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Last Updated: Thursday, 5 June, 2003, 20:30 GMT 21:30 UK
Fight to save English spelling
 A teacher points out the British spelling of defence
Teachers at Eight Ash Green in Essex insist on proper spelling
A campaign is being launched to protect English words from being replaced by American spellings.

Colchester MP Bob Russell wants to prevent youngsters from being shown words such as "utilize", "color" and "traveling".

He wants to force computer companies to install spellchecking software which offers English instead of American definitions.

Mr Russell said: "I also want the government to lead by example so all our schoolchildren, and the public generally, use the English spelling and not the American spelling."

Many operating systems, such as Microsoft's Windows, already allow users to select the language they use on the computer.

Endangered spelling?
UK colour vs US color
UK centre vs US center
UK travelling vs US traveling
UK analyse vs US analyze
UK plough vs US plow

But often popular web sites utilise American English.

The primary school at Eight Ash Green in Essex, in Mr Russell's constituency, is sticking up for traditional British English.

Headteacher Nick Rudman told BBC Look East that when pupils there leave the "u" out of the word labour, they are soon put right.

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