Most pioneers traveled in a [1]conestoga wagon or a spring wagon. children would walk behind of the wagon much of the time. The Pioneers traveled in a wagon called a covered wagon. The wagon was usually a wooden wagon made of hickory, oak, or maple. A wooden piece The wagon could not carry more than 2,000 pounds. It had big wooden the wagon there were many hooks that hung from the wooden hoops. They for. The front wheels of the wagon were smaller than the back wheels. This helped the wagon turn. Underneath the back wheels there in a wagon was not an easy trip. There were many things that could go wrong. For example some wagon wheels would break or there would be no What Was a Wagon Train? A wagon train was a group of covered wagons that went west. The wagons would travel in a straight single line. The wagon train looked spread out to get away from the dust. At night the wagon master would the wagon circle after dinner and just before bed time. The captain, also known as the wagon master led the [6]caravan down waking up the members of the wagon train, deciding when they would They knew the routes for the destination of the wagon trains. The also helped the captain take care of the members of the wagon train. [15]What was a Wagon Train? [16]Who led the Wagon Train? 15. file://localhost/cygdrive/c/Documents%20and%20Settings/etudiant/Bureau/Site_Peigne-Szymoniak/projet_master/pages_locales/travel.htm#What was a Wagon Train