Arctic char or Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus(L.)) is both a The Arctic char is closely related to both salmon and trout and has many characteristics of both. Individual char fish can weigh 20 [32]lb colour of char varies; it can range from a bright red to a pale pink. * [35]1 Arctic char farming [[39]edit] Arctic char farming Research aimed at determining the suitability of Arctic char as a efforts in Canada. Arctic char is also [44]farmed in [45]Norway and Arctic char were first investigated because it was expected that they was also expected that char would be an alternate species to Institute was responsible for distributing small numbers of char eggs suitability of char in a commercial setting. Commercial char breeding farmed Arctic char as an environmentally sustainable Best Choice for consumers, stating: "Arctic char use only a moderate amount of marine resources for feed. In addition, Arctic char are farmed in land-based, Stocks of [55]Scottish char whose size remains uninfluenced by eating Char in certain Scottish [58]lochs have shown a tendency to produce Additionally, each population of char in Scotland is essentially Scottish char are almost at their southern limit of sustainability, Already, [65]Irish char numbers have been reduced inasmuch as certain local char have been found to grow to inflated sizes of several [73]Perthshire, keeps a watching brief on the status of Arctic char in Char remain also in residence in some of the deep ribbon lakes in the Char and farming the fish using land based farms. Gives a