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Sunday 16 December 2007

Traffic Management

Cycle Lane Road Markings and Signing

Cycle lanes may be:

  1. mandatory, (marked with solid white lines) where other vehicles are excluded for at least part of the day, or
  2. advisory (marked with broken white lines) where other road users can use them if necessary and may be allowed to park in them at certain times. The Highway code recommends that cyclists "keep within the lane wherever possible"

Common cycling facilities

Toucan crossings are designed for both pedestrians and cyclists and are typically used adjacent to a cycle-path.  This means that cyclists do not need to dismount and can cross at the same time as pedestrians. There is a green cycle symbol alongside the green man. (Cyclists are not allowed to cross the road using Zebra, Pelican or Puffin crossings whilst riding.) At the latest Toucan crossings the crossing time is established each time by on-crossing detectors in the same way as Puffins. The cost of a Toucan is similar to that of a Puffin.  

Toucan crossings - image        Toucan crossings - image

Advanced Cycle Stop Lines.  An advanced stop line reservoir at a signalled junction is a marked and signed area (usually having a coloured surface with a cycle symbol in it), like a box in front of the stop line of traffic signals, which give cyclists a safe, visible area to wait, where they are segregated from other traffic. It allows cyclists to move ahead before other vehicles, making it safer for cyclists to turn left or right.  A typical example is shown below.

Advanced Cycle Stop Lines - image

Contra-Flow Cycle Lanes.  When a one-way street is introduced it gives little inconvenience for motorists, but can mean that cyclists have to travel much further to access the same point.  A contra-flow cycle lane lets a cyclist travel against the direction of flow of the one-way street in safety and offers a more convenient and direct route.

For a safe contra flow lane, the cyclist must be segregated at each end from the oncoming traffic by some form of physical barrier.  This can only be done if the road is wide enough. It may also need to have a parking ban throughout the length of the contra flow lane.

"Plug" No Entry.  This is where a road is two way throughout its length except for a short length of one-way working at one end. This means that entry into the road is banned at one end and traffic is only allowed to exit. To assist cyclists, a short gap allows cyclist to travel past the no-entry signs.

Cyclists in bus lanes.  Cyclists are allowed to use these lanes as long as the cycle symbol appears in the bus lane sign.  Some bus lanes are signed "Bus Only".  The cyclist must remember that large vehicles will be using the lane and that traffic turning left will cross the lane.

Cyclists in bus lanes - image

Shared use path.  A shared use path is one which can be used by cyclists as well as pedestrians. On such paths, cyclists must give way to pedestrians.  The sign shown below is used to indicate shared use.

Shared use path - image

Shared use cycle/Pedestrian path.  Segregated shared use path. A segregated shared use path is one which has some form of physical separation distinguishing the cyclist and pedestrian areas - usually a delineator white line, a raised white line or a kerb.

Shared use cycle/Pedestrian path - image

Other cycle related signs

cyclists only - image cycle route for use by cyclists only.
Cycle Route Ahead - image cycle route ahead.
advisory route for cyclists - image advisory route for cyclists to use (usually on road with no provisions for cyclists).
cycle lane on the road ahead - image cycle lane on the road ahead.
cycle lane on the road - image cycle lane on the road for use by cyclists in the same direction as the other traffic..
cycle lane on the road - image cycle lane on the road for use by cyclists in the opposite direction to the other traffic (usually on one-way roads).
no cycling. - image no cycling.

The Highway Code gives further details on lining and signing: