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    [Dans le domaine physique, des sensations] Faculté d'éprouver des sensations physiques; système récepteur d'une catégorie spécifique de sensations.

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These are then interpreted by the brain which makes a response. The
sense organs that make us perceive the stimuli are: eyes, ears, nose,
skin, and tongue...
[greenarrow.jpg] Senses Website Listings
and day out we respond to the innumerable amount of stimuli our bodies
are bombarded with. The five sense organs in our body are the primary
channel through which we perceive stimuli. These are then interpreted
by the brain which makes a response. The sense organs that make us
perceive the stimuli are: eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue.
corner is further evidence of the fact.
The nose and tongue provide the sense of smell and taste respectively.
The olfactory cells in the inner lining of the nostrils enable us to