Fichier de travail :


Forme voulue :


Définition :

    [Dans le domaine intellectuel] Conscience intellectuelle générale, faculté de comprendre les choses et d'apprécier les situations avec discernement.


A sense of duty, of moral obligation; a sense of "Ought To"; a sense of
reason I studied was because of a feeling deep down inside me
that I should, that I "ought to" (a sense of moral obligation,
duty). I studied because I knew I should study. I studied
getting started. I may have found it enjoyable after getting
started. But the reason I did it was from a sense of duty, a
sense of "ought to". It was that feeling that propelled me in
the most of the things that I did then. And it is the same
What is its source? Isn't it that voice of prudence, wisdom,
good sense deep within us? The voice of reason. Or that voice
of knowledge of right and wrong, of conscience? Are there