Fichier de travail :


Forme voulue :


Définition :

    [Dans le domaine intellectuel] Conscience intellectuelle générale, faculté de comprendre les choses et d'apprécier les situations avec discernement.


My main priority is to provide the most challenging, well rounded education for all students while remaining fiscally responsible. I believe that all children deserve the right to learn and excel to the best of their ability in a safe, supportive environment. It is the responsibility of the School Board to provide that framework. The greatest reward for my efforts is seeing the joy and sense of accomplishment on the faces of young people. A second priority is to keep the district financially strong. It is critical to maintain and improve our fund balance in order to be good stewards of community tax dollars. A personal priority is to continue to represent the entire community by first, listening to concerns and gathering information and then making common sense decisions based on what is in the best interest of our students. It is important to look at the whole picture and determine the impact of board decisions. I consider myself an organized, solid leader with a common sense
approach to decision making. My intentions are to continue to make a positive difference in our community.