world and the main actions in life ", actually a pictorial
dictionnary. Images are "the icons of all visible things in the world,
to which, by appropriate means one could also reduce invisible
IV. A Web of Icons, Indexes and Symbols
Let us go back to Pierce’s classical classification of signs as Icons,
Indexes and Symbols, which is very useful in understanding the
Another example (again from Sony) will show us that such symbols for
hypertext links tend to become icons, as if it was their only means to
get rid of the textual tautology.
in a very rudimentary manner, some personal emotions or personal
facts. But they indeed become icons if the text is turned 90<
However pure iconography is not possible, as icons have to present
themselves as such, to display their own icon-ness. A sign is not
However pure iconography is not possible, as icons have to present
themselves as such, to display their own icon-ness. A sign is not
iconic until the interpreter recognizes it as such. To that
passing upon such a link, and it becomes ... a small hand with a
pointed index. Thus, an index is used to identify an icon as such.
But note also that an icon (pointed finger) is then used to
pointed index. Thus, an index is used to identify an icon as such.
But note also that an icon (pointed finger) is then used to
identify the index as such. As is well-known, pure iconicity is
As in all semiotic systems, we have seen that the web is a mesh of
icons, indexes and symbols, with each type of the trichotomy
indeed depending on the others, even for its own definition.