Plain English keys to the ancient knowledge and wisdom of all spiritual traditionsThe Keys of Wisdom and KnowledgeKnowledge is acquired through the learning process.
Wisdom is the ability to apply this knowledge through experience,
without having to think about what you are doing.
From within the silence and stillness of the mind and body comes the
remembering. Within the remembering of the core of knowledge, past learned, lies the
inherent knowing of the body stored as experience. This is the source of spiritual wisdom. Beyond
that lies the Absolute.Insights from the SilenceThere is a difference between Wisdom and Knowledge. There are many who are
book-learned, who have attended courses, who have searched for an understanding of Life,
Religious Philosophy, Spirituality and the relationship between these.
Just because we have been taught something or read it in a book somewhere does not mean that what we have
acquired as knowledge can be put into practical application. It is only when the words are alive within us
that we can explain and interpret without repeating or quoting the words of often long dead authors like a
People spend their whole lives searching for knowledge
in attempt to gain wisdom .. to understand Why ..?
to understand the meaning of their incarnation.Inherent, in the silence beyond the chatter of the mind, from the
remembering, if allowed, come the original vibrations of ancient spiritual wisdom. These are the Keys of Kknowledge within the
core, the genetic memory records of the body stored in the DNA. These same Keys of Knowledge can also be found
in the past life records of
the soul, stored in what some call Akasha. The Keys of Knowledge and Wisdom lie in the true Silence, beyond the mind that thinks it knows, in the realms of Brahmin, Atman and Non-duality.
It is the individual mind who has create the duality of words from a knowing which is not knowledge based.
In this section, Fiona and I will attempt to translate, explain and interpret, in our plain English words some of the collective remembering
contained in the Keys of Knowledge. There are some other articles and stories in The Plain Man's Notebook |