Nov 15 2010The Future Is Now!: Camera Records The Action And Your Reaction At The Same Time


The $200 Ion Twin Video Camera is a POS video camera that records both the action in front of AND behind the camera at the same time. But I can't stand your face!

For every action there is a reaction. But capturing said reaction when you're videoing stuff is impossible because camcorders only record what's in front of them, don't they? Well no, because Ion's amazing Twin Video handheld camcorder captures all the action out front and your reaction to it.

Perfect for vloggers, vain interviewers, solo tourists and gurning roller coaster nuts, this idiot-proof rechargeable gizmo is the world's first dual-lens video camera. Capable of capturing both front and rear video and audio footage, it will totally redefine the way you view the art of moviemaking. 'Ooh, look at me crying whilst filming little Johnnie's first steps.'

Worst product description EVER. Like, ever ever. Forever ever? Forever ever. The last thing I need to see is the face of the person recording something. Still, this does open up doors for your homemade sex tapes. That's right -- not only will you be able to record yourself having sex, you'll be able to record whatever's opposite the toilet in your bathroom. Probably a towel bar.

Product Site
Twin Video Camcorder - Record Your Reactions and the Event at the Same Time! [walyou]

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wow, i guess my life is pretty much meaningless

i should probably start doing productive shit...

1). I swear off geekologie and failblog
2). i swear off reddit
3). i swear off
4). i swear off flash games
5). i'm going to law school
6.)...fuck yea

It's not a sex tape, it's ART! You insensitive clod.

Long last the robots!

I'm still waiting for spacial recording

So it records something, and also records a goofy ass mouth breathing quietly smiling recorder...recording the recorded? Its like a back to back recording recorder continuum, I don't wanna get caught up in that mess.

Also Asd should call off lawschool unplug from the net and kill his family. That will give you first hand experience with the law and how it works. Make good choices.

Narcissistic piece of crap!!

Porn will never be the same.

Genius! I'll take two.

@1 -3 FAIL
@7 mac users will love this

If it was the future, it would record in 3D... way to waste space and resources... at least make one of the cameras be able to rotate between front and back.

This will finally answer the question that all of you have been wondering about for years: "what is the camera guy doing while he's videotaping the porn?"

the answer: Jerking off...just like you already guessed.

Perfect for those hot games of strip-Battleship.

I can see it now, "here's a picture of when I took this picture" etc...

All... this picture will blow your mind

"All... this picture will blow your mind"

I've seen fat asian kids before...and this one isn't even at the wrong end of a bukkake line.

What happens if you line up 10 of them in a circle all recording each others recording each other? perpetual energy perhaps? or maybe you just wasted $2000.

Too bad they didn't record 2 girls one cup with this. I would have loved to see the reaction of whoever had to record that

Keep the camera, I want the girl in the photo.

@20 I would think twice about that wish.

It looks like she is fingering her butthole while jerking off.....(she just might be a he)

Show me the video of the douchebag recording that.

this would have been perfect for the double rainbow guy

amateur porn revolution

Louis of


Because posting hundreds of black and white photos of myself pouting on facebook just isn't satisfying my out of control narcissism any more!

@17 there is no 'wrong end' of a bukkake line

So it records the girl picking her wedge in France and records you smiling cos you have some great blackmail material.....nice......

I tide fashion

Good-looking, not expensive

Free transport

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You can try oh, will make you satisfied.

Seems like that girl on the screen is fisting her ass!

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