#RSS Feed for Republicans articles - Telegraph.co.uk DCSIMG Accessibility links * Skip to article * Skip to navigation [telegraph_print_190.gif] Advertisement Saturday 04 February 2012 | Subscribe Telegraph.co.uk ___________________ Submit * Home * News * Sport * Finance * Comment * Blogs * Culture * Travel * Lifestyle * Fashion * Tech * Dating * Offers * Jobs * UK * World * Politics * Obituaries * Education * Earth * Science * Defence * Health News * Royal Family * Celebrities * Weird News * USA * US Election 2012 * Asia * China * Central Asia * Europe * Australasia * Middle East * Africa * South America 1. Home» 2. News» 3. World News» 4. Republicans US election 2012: Chris Christie hints at presidential qualities, but insists he isn't running Chris Christie stoked fresh speculation about his presidential ambitions with a speech warning America's credibility abroad was being damaged by troubles at home. [EMBED] Link to this video 12:12PM BST 28 Sep 2011 Despite the clamour for the New Jersey governor to enter the Republican race however, he insists he has not changed his mind about running. During a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, he urged a capacity audience of about 900 to look at the website Politico, which had pieced together a long string of video clips of him saying he's not a candidate for the White House. "Those are the answers," he told the crowd. Mr Christie later said he was flattered by suggestions in a question-and-answer session that he should run in 2012, but added, "that reason has to reside inside me." He charged that an indecisive White House has deepened the nation's economic pain, and he accused President Barack Obama of preparing to divide the country to win re-election next year. Related Articles * Republican candidates struggle to keep up 28 Sep 2011 * Chris Christie denies presidential bid 28 Sep 2011 * Chris Christie could enter Republican presidential race 25 Sep 2011 Mr Christie did not spare Congress: in a scathing indictment of Beltway politics, he said the failure to compromise, along with Mr Obama's lack of leadership, had set the country dangerously off course. In Washington "we drift from conflict to conflict, with little or no resolution. We watch a president who once talked about the courage of his convictions, but still has yet found the courage to lead," Christie said. "We watch a Congress at war with itself because they are unwilling to leave campaign-style politics at the Capitol's door. The result is a debt-ceiling limitation debate that made our democracy appear as if we could no longer effectively govern ourselves," he said. Mr Christie's appearance came during a three-day national trip in which the governor is raising money for Republicans and networking with party rainmakers. With a reputation as a blunt-talking budget-cutter, the Reagan stage gave Mr Christie the opportunity to extend his influence in a party that views him as a rising star. His remarks could stoke a fresh round of speculation about his White House ambitions, but his brother was the latest confidante to tamp down talk of a presidential bid. "I'm sure that he's not going to run," Todd Christie told The Star-Ledger of Newark, New Jersey. The newspaper also reported that the governor told wealthy donors earlier Tuesday in Santa Ana that he was not entering the race, echoing his previous statements. In his speech, Mr Christie, the first Republican elected New Jersey governor since 1997, mocked Mr Obama as "a bystander in the Oval Office" who was preparing to divide the nation along economic lines to win another four years in Washington, apparently alluding to the president's jobs bill, which proposes that wealthy Americans and big corporations pay more in taxes. Mr Obama is "telling those who are scared and struggling that the only way their lives can get better is to diminish the success of others," Christie said. He's "insisting that we must tax and take and demonise those who have already achieved the American dream." After the speech, Mr Christie was asked repeatedly during the question-and-answer session if he would reconsider a presidential run. He declined, as he has many times before. Some influential Republicans have urged Mr Christie to run because they have doubts about the party's two leading contenders for the nomination – Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney – at a time when Mr Obama looks increasingly vulnerable because of the sluggish economy and high unemployment. But Perry stumbled badly in last week's Republican candidates' debate, upsetting some hard-core conservatives by supporting college tuition discounts for illegal immigrants. Romney is viewed with suspicion because as governor of Massachusetts he introduced a health care reform that Obama used as a model for his overhaul that Republicans loathe. X Share & bookmark Delicious Facebook Google Messenger Reddit Twitter Digg Fark LinkedIn Google Buzz StumbleUpon Y! 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