Page last updated at 06:22 GMT, Thursday, 6 November 2008

Papers welcome Obama triumph


The election of Barack Obama as the next US president was, concludes the Times, a masterclass in democracy.

The paper says it transformed in an instant the self-image of the country and the country's image in the world.

Gary Younge in the Guardian writes of the dizzying moment when Ohio turned Democrat, effectively handing the keys of the White House to Barack Obama.

"A political journey that should take generations felt as though it had occurred in a moment," he says.

Epic journey

For the Independent the result of the US presidential election is "an American dream".

The paper pictures a triumphant Barack Obama clutching his daughter Malia and beaming at his Chicago victory rally.

The Daily Telegraph says "the dream comes true" - with Barack Obama completing an epic journey begun by Martin Luther King.

Cartoonist Matt depicts a new sign by a a fountain in the White House gardens - "Please do not walk on the water".

Security question

History professor Niall Ferguson in the Daily Mail likens Barack Obama's victory to the fall of the Berlin Wall or the release of Nelson Mandela.

It is a moment when history leaps and the heart leaps with it, he says.

The Daily Express says a military-style operation to keep Barack Obama alive was under way within hours of his presidential election victory.

It reports that Mr Obama gave his victory speech from behind bullet-proof glass 12ft high and 3ins thick.

Obesity crisis

The Daily Telegraph reports on TV chef Jamie Oliver's appearance before the Commons health committee.

He warned MPs that the obesity crisis could get worse because people do not have the skills to cook, it says.

The paper notes that the chef is celebrated for a campaign to improve the quality of school dinners.

The Sun says he "slammed European laws on food", criticising the UK's inability to choose minimum standards for labelling and clarity.

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