Gadhafi killed in crossfire after capture, Libyan PM says * Government wanted Gadhafi to be taken alive, diplomat tells CNN * Anti-Gadhafi messages spray painted at pipe where he was found (CNN) -- Libyans cheered the fate of ousted dictator Moammar Gadhafi into the transitional prime minister, said after proclaiming Gadhafi's death. Gadhafi was captured alive and unharmed as troops from the National Transitional erupted between transitional council fighters and Gadhafi's supporters as his captors attempted to load him into a vehicle, Jibril said, leaving Gadhafi with More shooting erupted as the vehicle drove away, and Gadhafi -- who ruled Libya the head, Jibril said, Gadhafi died moments before arriving at a hospital in Libyan strongman's last moments, as the bloodied but still-alive Gadhafi was being hauled onto a truck. Another video showed a dead Gadhafi with what Libyans celebrate Gadhafi's death Obama speaks on Gadhafi's death Libyan PM: Gadhafi died from gunshot Moammar Gadhafi: A look back Gadhafi in a large drainage pipe. Daily Telegraph reporter Ben Farmer in Sirte The phrases "The place of the rat Gadhafi" and "You scum" were painted around Jibril said Gadhafi was carrying a gun but did not resist his captors. Jibril said DNA samples confirmed Gadhafi's identity, and the International Criminal war-crimes charges -- has agreed to allow Gadhafi's burial. Gadhafi to be taken alive to answer for his crimes. In one video from the scene, Gadhafi's convoy after French warplanes and a U.S. drone forced it to a halt on the way out of Sirte. Following Gadhafi's death, NATO Secretary-General Anders full, independent and impartial inquiry" into Gadhafi's death and said his inner Abubaker Saad, who was a Gadhafi aide for nine years, said it didn't really matter whether Gadhafi was dead or alive as long as he was no longer a fugitive. Inside Gadhafi's last moments Tripoli after news of Moammar Gadhafi's capture in Sirte on Thursday, October Tripoli after news of Moammar Gadhafi's capture in Sirte on Thursday, October news of Moammar Gadhafi's capture. Libyans waving NTC flags celebrate in the streets of Tripoli on Thursday after news of Moammar Gadhafi's capture. Minister Mahmoud Jibril told reporters Thursday that Gadhafi had been killed. Minister Mahmoud Jibril told reporters Thursday that Gadhafi had been killed. after news of Gadhafi's capture. Libyans wave their new national flag as they celebrate in the streets of Tripoli after news of Gadhafi's capture. streets of Tripoli after news of Moammar Gadhafi's capture. Libyan NTC fighters news of Moammar Gadhafi's capture. Moammar Gadhafi, left, arrives for an Arab Summit Conference in Rabat, Morocco, control of Libya in a bloodless coup. Moammar Gadhafi, left, arrives for an Arab Gadhafi rides a horse through Tripoli in November 1975. Gadhafi rides a horse Gadhafi reviews troops on an official visit to Senegal in December 1985. Gadhafi Gadhafi speaks to reporters at a meeting of the High Command of the Revolutionary Forces of the Arab Nation in February 1986 in Tripoli. Gadhafi Gadhafi in Tripoli in May 1990. Nelson Mandela, then president of the South African National Congress, greets Gadhafi in Tripoli in May 1990. Gadhafi salutes during a 1999 military parade celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Libyan Revolution in Tripoli. Gadhafi salutes during a 1999 military At a 2007 meeting in Paris, Gadhafi is seen surrounded by his female bodyguards. At a 2007 meeting in Paris, Gadhafi is seen surrounded by his female bodyguards. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Gadhafi sign an agreement between Russia Gadhafi sign an agreement between Russia and Libya on April 17, 2008, in Gadhafi attends a meeting with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano in Rome during a G-8 summit in 2009. Gadhafi attends a meeting with Italian President Gadhafi exits a plane in Tripoli with family members and bodyguards after traveling to the United States and Venezuela in 2009. Gadhafi exits a plane in Gadhafi arrives in Italy for talks with Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in August 2010. Gadhafi arrives in Italy for talks with Prime Minister Silvio Gadhafi smiles and raises his arms as he enters the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli on March 8, 2011. A few months later, on October 20, Gadhafi will die of a gunshot wound to the head in his hometown of Sirte, Libya. Gadhafi smiles and raises his later, on October 20, Gadhafi will die of a gunshot wound to the head in his Gadhafi through the years Gadhafi through the years Gadhafi through the years Gadhafi through the years Gadhafi through the years Gadhafi through the years Gadhafi through the years Gadhafi through the years Gadhafi through the years Gadhafi through the years Gadhafi through the years Gadhafi through the years [111020122528-gadhafi-timeline-01-topics.jpg] [111020014738-gadhafi-timeline-10-topics.jpg] [111020125549-gadhafi-timeline-03-topics.jpg] [111020014605-gadhafi-timeline-09-topics.jpg] [111020010852-gadhafi-timeline-04-topics.jpg] [111020020510-gadhafi-timeline-13-topics.jpg] [111020020750-gadhafi-timeline-14-topics.jpg] [111020022458-gadhafi-timeline-16-topics.jpg] [111020015029-gadhafi-timeline-11-topics.jpg] [111020020342-gadhafi-timeline-12-topics.jpg] [111020022325-gadhafi-timeline-15-topics.jpg] [111020022909-gadhafi-timeline-17-topics.jpg] Photos: Gadhafi through the years Photos: Gadhafi through the years deposed leader Moammar Gadhafi in Sirte on Thursday, October 20. CNN cannot Gadhafi in Sirte on Thursday, October 20. CNN cannot independently verify the Gadhafi's final moments Gadhafi's final moments Gadhafi's final moments [111020022514-gadhafi-dead-graphic-do-not-use-on-stories-without-approval-2-topi [111020122915-gadhafi-wounded-graphic-do-not-use-on-stories-without-approval-top Photos: Gadhafi's final moments Photos: Gadhafi's final moments Gadhafi's killing caps a revolt that began in February and left him a fugitive Also killed Thursday were Gadhafi's son Motassim and his chief of intelligence, captured. Jibril said Gadhafi's defense minister, Gen. Abu Baker Younes, also "Gadhafi was the head of the state, the most important symbol of the country. He Gerges said the recent fighting around Sirte and another holdout of pro-Gadhafi But he said Gadhafi's death sends a signal to other strongmen in the region: "If "There will be tribal differences, there will be Gadhafi loyalists who melt into Prince Idris Al-Senussi, whose family was overthrown by Gadhafi 42 years ago, The confirmation of Gadhafi's death came after hours of conflicting reports on Clinton said the end of Gadhafi would "add legitimacy and relief to the then the Libyan people rose up and demanded their rights. And when Gadhafi and pro-Gadhafi forces. In a statement from his office, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Gadhafi's ouster marks the start of "a new era ... one of Colonel Gadhafi's victims," including the 270 dead in the bombing of a Pan Am Moammar Gadhafi: A look back Moammar Gadhafi, who was killed on Thursday. celebrate Gadhafi's death. Scotland, says Moammar Gadhafi's death is justice long delayed. Gadhafi's death. The end of the Gadhafi era After months of fighting between rebels and pro-Gadhafi forces, deposed Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has been killed. The death of Moammar Gadhafi is not the game-changer many would like it to be, Why Gadhafi wouldn't surrender Fareed Zakaria on Gadhafi's fate: "He had always been a fighter -- romantic, Gadhafi's last moments alive Former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is seen in what may be his final moments as How Gadhafi sought world stage Over four decades in power in Libya, Moammar Gadhafi portrayed himself as the Photos: Gadhafi through the years look at Gadhafi over the past few decades Gadhafi's legacy in Africa The African stage once belonged to Moammar Gadhafi, nicknamed the "king of kings World reacts to Gadhafi Reactions to the reported death of deposed Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has Moammar Gadhafi, opposition activists from Syria and Yemen say.