trated India's own booming technology sector, is a sign of something more distinctive. It signals the latest episode in India's remarkable process of Americanization. # This reconciliation -- this Americanization of India -- had both tangible and intangible manifestations. The tangible signs included an increase in the availability of American brands; a # But the intangible evidence of Americanization was even more remarkable. Something had changed in the very spirit of the country. The India in which I grew up was, in many respects, an isolated and # Hers is a lament -- against rapid development, against the brutality of modernity -- that I have heard with increasing frequency. India's Americanization has in so many ways been a wonderful thing. It has lifted millions from poverty, and, by seeding ideas of meritocracy and individual attainment into # This article has been revised to reflect the following correction: A photo caption with an opinion article about the Americanization of India last Sunday incorrectly identified the mall in the image. It was the Express Avenue mall in Chennai, not Mantri Square mall, which is in #