#NewsBiscuit RSS Feed NewsBiscuit » Rioters denounce ‘Americanisation’ of British way of rioting Comments Feed NewsBiscuit Ofsted report slams School of Hard Knocks Red faces as George Michael wins Daily Mail’s ‘Dream Cottage’ Betting firms collapse as Indian cricketers retire on winnings Rioters denounce ‘Americanisation’ of British way of rioting 'Big ass New York cop don't know jack sheet bout nuthin,' says Simon from Bromley British rioters have hit out at what they see as an unwelcome transatlantic influence on the traditional English way of looting and causing affray. ‘It’s another deplorable Americanisation of our traditional British way of doing stuff – especially free stuff,’ says fourteen-year-old Tottenham rioter Zac (two Sony flat screens and a bag of trainers). ‘Innit.’ IFRAME: http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http://www.newsbiscuit.com/2011/08/15/rioters-denounce-americanisation-of-british-way-of-rioting/&send=false&layout=button_count&show_faces=false&action=like&colorscheme=light&font