Salman Rushdie: Anti-Americanism takes the world by storm | World news | The Guardian # Anti-Americanism has taken the world by storm # he reason is that America finds itself facing an ideological enemy that may turn out to be harder to defeat than militant Islam: that is to say, anti-Americanism, which is presently taking the world by storm. The good news is that these post-Taliban days are bad times for Islamist fanatics. Dead or alive, Bin # cs' propaganda more comprehensively than an acceptable settlement in the Middle East. However, even if that settlement were arrived at tomorrow, anti-Americanism would probably not abate. It has become too useful a smokescreen for Muslim nations' many defects - their corruption, their incompetence, their # have been struck, even shocked, by the depth of anti-American feeling among large segments of the population, as well as the news media. Western anti-Americanism is an altogether more petulant phenomenon than its Islamic counterpart, and, oddly, far more personalised. Muslim countries don't like America's power,# Salman Rushdie: Anti-Americanism takes the world by storm #