NYC Mosque Imam Looking to "Americanize Islam" - CBS News / CBS Evening News / CBS This Morning / 48 Hours / 60 Minutes / Sunday Morning / Face the Nation Video US World Politics Entertainment Health MoneyWatch SciTech Sports Crime More Blogs Political Eye The Feed Webshows 60 Overtime Face to Face The Startup What's Cooking Resources Mobile Radio Local Log In Log In Join Sign in with Profile Manage my newsletter subscriptions Update my e-mail address Change my password Log Out CBS/AP / August 23, 2010, 11:05 AM NYC Mosque Imam Looking to "Americanize Islam" The imam leading plans for an Islamic center near the Manhattan site of the Sept. 11 attacks said Friday he has been working on a way to "Americanize Islam." While he did not elaborate on what an American version of Islam might look like, he did note that different interpretations of the faith have emerged over the religion's nearly 1,400-year existence. "The same principles and rituals were everywhere, but what happened in different regions was there were different interpretations," Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who is on the first leg of a 15-day Mideast tour funded by the U.S. State Department, said. "So we recognize that our heritage allows for re-expressing the internal principles of our religion in different cultural times and places." Rauf refused to discuss the political firestorm over the plans for an Islamic cultural center about two blocks from the World Trade Center towers. Foes of the project say it is insensitive and disrespectful to the victims of 9/11 and their families. The debate has become politicized ahead of November's midterm congressional elections. Mosque Near WTC Divides Sept. 11 Relatives Howard Dean on Mosque Comments: "Not Going to Back Off" Rudy Giuliani: Move Mosque away from Ground Zero Instead, Rauf preferred to focus on shared concerns. Speaking after leading Friday prayers at a neighborhood mosque outside Bahrain's capital Manama, he said radical religious views pose a security threat in both the West and the Muslim world. He said he hopes to draw attention during his trip in the Middle East to the common challenges to battle radical religious beliefs. "This issue of extremism is something that has been a national security issue - not only for the United States but also for many countries and nations in the Muslim world," Rauf said. "This is why this particular trip has a great importance because all countries in the Muslim world - as well as the Western world - are facing this ... major security challenge." This is Rauf's fourth U.S-government sponsored trip to the region, according to the State Department. He traveled twice to the Mideast in 2007 during the Bush administration and once earlier this year. Rauf will also visit Qatar and the United Arab Emirates during this trip to talk about Muslim life in America. Details of the imam's specific plans in each country have been closely guarded - possibly in reaction to the rancor in the United States over plans proposed by Rauf's organization, The Cordoba Initiative, for an Islamic cultural center near the site of the World Trade Center towers. President Barack Obama has said he believes Muslims have the right to build an Islamic center in New York as a matter of religious freedom, though he's also said he won't take a position on whether they should actually build it. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg came out in support of the mosque, calling it a test of the separation of church and state. New York Gov. David Paterson suggested last week that leaders of the project might want to consider relocating out of sensitivity to families of those killed on Sept. 11. He said he had the support of Islamic clergy, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan and former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who led the city through the attacks and their aftermath. The governor and state officials won't say what other site would be suitable for the center or where the state owns nearby land. This week, Paterson said he had hoped to meet with developers in a couple of days to talk about the concerns of those still hurt and angry over the Sept. 11 attacks. He told WNYC Radio's "The Take Away" on Friday that he's still seeking a meeting, but that the group postponed a Monday meeting because of Rauf's travels. Muslims have been holding prayer services since last year in the building that the new project will replace. Fact Check: The "Ground Zero Mosque" Debate Howard Dean: NYC Mosque a "Real Affront" "Ground Zero Mosque" Developers: We Won't Move Pelosi Questions Funding of NYC Mosque Critics Obama has "No Regrets" Weighing in on NYC Mosque Buchanan: Newt Gingrich "Opportunist" on Mosque Mosque Opponents Leaving X-Rated Shops Alone © 2010 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report. 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Personally, I do think it to be a good idea to move the mosque elsewhere as it shows no respect to Americans--but that's where it ends, I don't care how many mosques, temples, catholic, baptist or any other house of worship there is or where it is---just not a good idea for the mosque to go there. You Helen are too FIXED on FIXED news and apparently have no mind of your own! reply Lawyers-Guns-n-Money06 replies: link icon report icon email icon Fixed News, what a laugh! Fox has become too moderate for these ueber-fascists. It's not news to them any more unless it comes from some internet meme, WND or AIM. liberalme replies: link icon report icon email icon No these people pray to the hammity, lintball and beck (the wreck) gods--they wouldn't have anything to say or know how to think without those commedians. link icon report icon email icon Lawyers-Guns-n-Money06 says: by helen97068 August 20, 2010 6:52 PM EDT The Community Center IS a Mosque. ========================== Calling this thing a mosque is like calling a mall a fast food joint because it has a McDonalds in it. reply Lawyers-Guns-n-Money06 replies: link icon report icon email icon ...or calling a Catholic hospital with a chapel in it a cathedral. link icon report icon email icon AmazingGrce says: The Snake - sung by Al Wilson - Comes to mind when I hear about any effort to "Americanize Islam" Nuff Said reply Lawyers-Guns-n-Money06 replies: link icon report icon email icon AIn't gonna happen. More than likely, there will be an attempt for the swastika-zation of America. link icon report icon email icon bradkt1 says: Marginalizing, isolating and demonizing moderate Muslims only gives ammunition to the extremists, the rejectionists and the terrorists and their sympathizers. I have no problem with those who wish to meet with this group to try to find a satisfactory alternative for locating this planned Islamic cultural center...but, at the same time, I believe that we must support the right on any law-abiding religious group to build a house of worship where they want to. I understand that the 9/11 terrorist attacks left wounds that are still raw. I only hope that a negotiated compromise can be reached. I think that this issue is bringing out the worst in a lot of people and is being exploited and demagouged by some politicians for purely political gain and at the cost of some of the values that the 9/11 terrorists tried to destroy in this country. reply Brian5013MS replies: link icon report icon email icon helen97068 agreed Phxfire replies: link icon report icon email icon Islam is no more an advocate for murder and mayhem than Christians are all for white supremacy and overthrowing the government (like so many extremist 'Christians). Its another extreme faction of a religion that is provoking attacks and making so many of you extremists in your own right. Helen, etal, you need to be better informed, through rational, honest and unbiased sources. I suggest you start at the library. link icon report icon email icon Myopinion046 says: Yeah, after Sharia Law is in place like that imam has stated is his intent. reply starving1968-3 replies: link icon report icon email icon Myopinion046 apparently has ZERO confidence in America, our military, our laws, our constituion...... Lawyers-Guns-n-Money06 replies: link icon report icon email icon Yup, the ueber right wing propagandists are fanning the flames and molding the narrative. Goebbels would be proud. See all 4 Replies link icon report icon email icon cbswayne says: CBS News is just fanning the flames on this issue when it calls the community center a mosque. reply link icon report icon email icon M_Miles says: A Ground Zero area mosque supporter spends $23 million dollars to establish legal status for Islamic law tribunals. Nancy Pelosi you might want to find out where that money came from? HINT: read article associated with following paragraph and link. An investigation by three Republican congressmen has revealed the Obama administration has secretly spent $23 million of U.S. taxpayer dollars in Kenya to fund a "Yes" vote on a constitutional referendum scheduled for Aug. 4 that would increase access to abortions in Kenya and establish legal status for Islamic law tribunals. reply dihardman replies: link icon report icon email icon 1.Has anyone associated Obama's vacation dates with Ramadan month of fasting and prayer? Check the calendar...2009 & 2010 - 2 yrs. in a row, Obama has taken time off. ***Did taxpayers' dollars pay for that Ramadan dinner where Obama spoke in support the mosque? ***It's obvious that Obama puts his muslim background above the hearts of American citizens and above the price those paid who were victims of 9/11 2.Also, what happened to the investigation re: Obama's birthplace?? That investigation seems to have disappeared just like the $23 billion did. Don't you think it's strange that his grandmother passed away just before he was sworn in? Is she really dead or has he put her away in hiding? What about the disappearance of his aunt who kept saying Obama was born in Africa?? 3.As for the $23 Billion secretly spent by Obama's adm...I am appalled that he was able to do this using taxpayers money...I'm sure our millions of unemployed could have made much better use of that money and it would have added a spark to our economy. Too many Americans are hurting and he spent our money on abortions in Kenya and legal status fror Islamic law tribunals, is unbelieveable! What's wrong with this picture? 4. What about taxpayers' money being spent on traveling costs for Obama to campaign for Democrats? Is it OK to use our money for campaign funds regardless of the party you represent? Why haven't the other party members opposed this? 5.How much longer are we the American people going to stay silent and let this type of "leadership" continue? VOTE PEOPLE VOTE! ***Obama is taking us down much quicker than Al Quaeda ever could. How does he continue to get away with this?? ***Whose side is Obama on?? Has he forgotten that he's an "American" president?? ***Am I upset? You bet your life I am! I have never been a protester, but my limit is boiling over! ***A ps note to Nancy Pelosi - I believed she said the League of Women voters were traitors because they did not agree with Obama's administration. Well, Nancy, "I am not a traitor, I am not a racist, I am not for/against Democrats nor am I for/against Republicans, but I am an American tax paying citizen, a wife, mother, grandmother speaking up for unity (our motto used to be "United we stand...) I am against an administration that is robbing us blind (the silent $23 billion is just one of many examples) silently breaking this country, dividing us (where is the unity Obama campaigned on?) His administration is killing our souls bit by bit, silently taking away our constitutional rights, and trying to take away God... ***I have news for Obama - God is much bigger than you, and if you succeed in any form or fashion to remove his name or take away our right to worship/pray, it's only because God has allowed it for completion of His divine plan, and not for your glory. ***After spouting off like this, don't be surprised if I am arrested or suddenly disappear, or have an "accident"...who knows how far this administration will go to "snuff" out anyone who says anything negative that doesn't suit their needs? link icon report icon email icon M_Miles says: Ground Zero area mosque supporter secret may need investigation by Nancy Pelosi? . . . An investigation by three Republican congressmen has revealed the Obama administration has secretly spent $23 million of U.S. taxpayer dollars in Kenya to fund a "Yes" vote on a constitutional referendum scheduled for Aug. 4 that would increase access to abortions in Kenya and establish legal status for Islamic law tribunals. From article at following link . . . The Ground Zero area mosque supporter under investigation wants to establish Islamic law tribuals?! "Wait,is that President Obama they are talking about in the article?!" reply link icon report icon email icon PapaGracio says: All this talk about islaminizing America is just another front.Liberals turning the heads of americans away from the Mexicanization of Amercia. Which is there true goal! You have not seen much on the tube about Arizona recently have you? Using Ahab the Arab to cloak the invasion of Manuel the Mexican. Although, givien the choice I would take the latter. If all of American life looked like a Cheech and Chong movie, I would be satisfied. Very satisfied. reply link icon report icon email icon ge556 says: helen97068 said, "1. Muslim leaders love converts and Liberals are very easy targets." Wow, helen. I think you win a special cluelessness award for that one. Guess I'll tell my wife to buy a burqa and quit her job now. reply See all 79 Comments Add a Comment Submit Comment Click here to add another comment. The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited. By using this Web site you agree to accept our Terms of Service . Click here to read the Rules of Engagement . Reply to Comment Submit Comment Cancel The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited. By using this Web site you agree to accept our Terms of Service . Click here to read the Rules of Engagement . 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