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EducationState: the education news blog. * Home * Demos * Events * Policy + NCLB * Social Enterprise + Teach for Australia + Teach for America + CfBT + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation + ARK + Teach First * Exams + GCSEs + A Levels * Educationalists + Andreas Schleicher + Pasi Sahlberg + Alfie Kohn + Diane Ravitch + Michael Barber * Teaching + Teacher Bashing + Working Conditions + Teaching Resources * Unions + ASCL + UNISON + ATL + UFT + TUC + NASUWT + UCU + NUT + NUS * Schools + Special Schools + Academies + Free Schools + Private Schools + National Curriculum + Charter Schools + Pre-School + Primary Education + Secondary Education * League Tables * Ofsted * Media Watch * Education Business + Private Tuition + IT + Cambridge Assessment + Management Consultants + McKinsey & Co. + Internships + Apprenticeships * Research + MetLife + OECD + PISA * Politics + Labour + Tories * In The News * HE + Student Finance + Study Abroad + New College of the Humanities + Russell Group + HE Review + Tuition Fees * Education Reform + Managerialism + Standards + Testing * FE + IfL + EMA * ESOL Continuing Americanisation of UK Education Posted by Editors Charter Schools, Education Reform, In The News, Politics, Teach First, Tuition Fees Saturday, December 11th, 2010 WP Greet Box icon Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic. With the narrow victory for the Coalition of One over tuition fees and the rise of Teach First, it seems that the UK is moving ever closer to becoming the newest addition to the United States of America. The Special Relationship Teach First is modelled on Teach For America and tuition fees are commonplace in the USA where they can reach over $30K per year. But that’s not all. In the US the poorer (or smarter?) kids go to local community colleges where it is much cheaper (£3000 a year) and live at home. This is also increasingly the trend in the UK. Another trend in the UK is the creation of academies and free schools just like charter schools in the US. The Tories wish to create more private universities. And No Child Left Behind (2001) provided the model for standards-based education reform in the UK. This Americanisation is no surprise. Wikileaks has revealed just how much Tories have been looking to cement the special relationship. This poodling was also Thatcher’s policy. And just like Thatcher, Tory Boy and Chums have savagely cut education funding, and they’re well-known Europhobes. NuLab were no different, however. They looked westward to cowboy Bush for inspiration too. There are a few things that remain different, however. As British comedian Russell Brand quipped to the bemusement of the audience at the 2009 MTV awards: “Instead of truck, we say lorry, instead of elevator we say lift, and instead of letting people die in the street we have free healthcare.” It is just unfortunate that a previous pillar of UK society – its free university education system – wasn’t on Brand’s list. Recent Posts * Is ‘Good Will Hunting’ A Film About The Purpose Of Education? * US & UK Education Privatisation: The Differences * Global Education Reform or Global Education Messianism? 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Media Watch MetLife Michael Barber NASUWT National Curriculum NCLB New College of the Humanities NUS NUT OECD Ofsted Pasi Sahlberg PISA Policy Politics Pre-School Primary Education Private Schools Private Tuition Research Russell Group Schools Secondary Education Social Enterprise Special Schools Standards Student Finance Study Abroad Teach First Teach for America Teach for Australia Teacher Bashing Teaching Teaching Resources Testing Tories TUC Tuition Fees UCU UFT Unions UNISON Working Conditions FEATURED LINKS * Intern Aware * Interns Anonymous * Sir Ken Robinson * Campaign for Learning * Anti Academies Alliance * CASE * Comprehensive Future ADVERTISEMENT © 2013 EducationState: the education news blog.. All Rights Reserved. Log in