Unstoppable rise of American English: Study shows young Britons copying US writing style | Mail Online Home News U.S. Sport TV&Showbiz Femail Health Science Money RightMinds Coffee Break Travel Columnists News Home Arts Headlines Pictures Most read News Board Login Find a Job M&S Wine Our Papers Feedback Thursday, Jan 24 2013 3PM 2°C 6PM -1°C 5-Day Forecast Unstoppable rise of American English: Study shows young Britons copying US writing style By Laura Clark, Education Correspondent PUBLISHED: 00:11 GMT, 29 May 2012 | UPDATED: 14:03 GMT, 29 May 2012 Comments ( 561 ) Share The future of written English will owe more to Hollywood films than Dickens or Shakespeare, if the findings of a study into children’s writing are anything to go by. The analysis of 74,000 short stories found that their written work was littered with Americanisms, exclamation marks and references to celebrities. Researchers who looked at the entries to a national competition found they were increasingly using American words such as garbage, trash can, sidewalk, candy, sneakers, soda, cranky and flashlight. Americanisms: Children's work was littered with words such as garbage, trash can and sidewalk (picture posed by models) The stories, written by pupils aged seven to 13, show how fairy cakes are referred to as cupcakes and a dinner jacket has become a tuxedo. ‘Smart’ is now often used for ‘clever’ and ‘cranky’ for ‘irritable’. Celebrity culture also has a powerful influence on children’s work, with Simon Cowell and Argentinian footballer Lionel Messi among the famous names cropping up repeatedly. More... Big Elephants Can't Always Use Small Exits... but they CAN help you spell 'because' But pupils are let down by basic spelling, punctuation and grammar, according to the study by Oxford University Press, which looked at the entries to BBC Radio 2’s ‘500 Words’ competition. Children stumbled over simple spellings such as ‘does’ and ‘clothes’ and struggled to use the past tense correctly, often saying ‘rised’ instead of ‘rose’ or ‘thinked’ instead of ‘thought’. Researchers also found that punctuation was underused, especially semi-colons and speech marks. Some did not know how to use capital letters. Famous: The names of Lionel Messi (left) and Simon Cowell (right) crop up often in children's writing Popular US fiction such as the Twilight vampire novels and films is thought to be fuelling the increasing use of American vocabulary and spelling However, exclamation marks were overused. Researchers found 35,171 examples in total, with some young writers using five at a time. The study of more than 31million words will be compared with future research to see how written language evolves. Popular US fiction such as the Twilight vampire novels and films is thought to be fuelling the increasing use of American vocabulary and spelling. Modern technology was also influential. Out of almost 300 references to ‘blackberry’, nearly half referred to mobile phones. Characters frequently ‘googled’ for information or used ‘apps’. But the researchers found a wealth of imaginative and inventive ideas. Fears that texting was corrupting children’s written work were unfounded, they said, with youngsters only using text speak when they were referring to a text message. Samantha Armstrong, of the OUP children’s dictionaries division, said: ‘Perhaps we are catching a glimpse of the language of the future.’ Chris Evans, whose radio show runs the competition, said the results were ‘fascinating’, adding: ‘Who’d have thought that Messi and Jeremy Clarkson would be some of the most used celebrity names?’ SPELLING IN BBC '500 WORDS' COMPETITION AMERICAN WORD OCCURRENCES BRITISH WORD OCCURRENCES Candy (1,879) Sweets (2,448) Cupcake (486) Fairy cake (46) Flashlight (99) Torch (2,736) Garbage truck (9) Dustbin lorry (5) Tuxedo (74) Dinner suit (1) Sneakers (38) Trainers (555) Trash can (38) Dustbin (290) Sidewalk (26) Pavement (924) MOST READ NEWS Previous 1 2 3 4 Next Revealed: Ballboy, 17, kicked in ribs by Chelsea star is... Does it come fully fur-nished? Dream home designed... Tricks and trysts: Women who sell sex in the ONLY legal... 'I told him not to take off TWICE': Millionaire Ivy... Dying moments of girl behind bars: Shocking video shows... Is this the most mesmerising and beautiful picture of the... 'If he was here he would have said "Perfect, darling,... 'It was easier to lie back and accept death': Two fathers... Gay chocolatier couple leave Scottish Highlands village... Sperm whales invite deformed bottlenose dolphin into their... 'I don't know what normal is any more': Prince Harry reveals... 'I lied to police' admits pro footballers' alleged sex... Share this article: Facebook Twitter Google+ Messenger LinkedIn Digg it Newsvine Fark Nowpublic Reddit Print article Email article Comments ( 561 ) The comments below have not been moderated. Newest Oldest Best rated Worst rated View all All your English are belong to us!!!!!!!!! - zefal , MD, USA, 31/5/2012 06:13 Click to rate Rating 2 Report abuse We don't have to be a King Canute trying to hold back the enevitable - our writing styles, spelling and language has changed every generation of the existance of English. It changed in our grandfather's time and will do so in the time of our grand children. The future of English is bright especially when you write: "But the researchers found a wealth of imaginative and inventive ideas. Fears that texting was corrupting children’s written work were unfounded, they said, with youngsters only using text speak when they were referring to a text message." The real problem is the spelling system (American English or English English) which is archaic and not fit for purpose. It is part of the problem and contributes to the huge illiteracy rates in the English speaking world. - NJH , London UK, 30/5/2012 21:19 Click to rate Rating 2 Report abuse American English beats the hell out of German, doesn't it? - Mark , Florida, 30/5/2012 15:15 Click to rate Rating 3 Report abuse some people are referring the to "UK" or "Britain" as one country. There are 4 different countries within - it's like saying Canada, America and Mexico are one country! - Fed Up, England, 29/5/2012. Fed up, England are you f&%king stupid. Canada, The United States and Mexico are one country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their countries not continents. Are you confusing countries and continents. Do you not know the difference between a country and a continent. Do you not know what's a country and what's a continent. The U.S. is a country. In the U.S. there are states. Canada is a country. In canada there are providences. Mexico is a country and in mexico there are states.- Alex Salazar, Moreno Valley, CA, There is no need to swear is there, and YOU have got it wrong. I had to read over what you said to make sure you were not really that stupid but you clearly are. Also, it's `they're` countries not `their` countries and how many times can you mention country and continent in one short passage? - Billy , Goat Tough, 30/5/2012 09:56 Click to rate Rating 3 Report abuse Hey,we won the war(s): 1781.1812,1918,1945, why shouldn't y'all adopt THE modern language? - R.D.McDowell, Pungoteague VA USA, Oh dear. 1781 – Is that the war where you were getting soundly beaten until the French/Dutch/Spanish came on won victory? 1812 – The war where you invaded British North America (Canada) where promptly sent back with your tail between your legs, had your territory invaded and your Capital burned? 1918 – You were the most junior of junior partners. Below Italy and Japan. An irrelevance. 1945 – If any one nation can claim victory that would be the soviets, not you. Try reading? Your comments: - STP , Manchester, 30/5/2012 09:01 Click to rate Rating 1 Report abuse I like how some people are referring the to "UK" or "Britain" as one country. There are 4 different countries within - it's like saying Canada, America and Mexico are one country! - Fed Up, England, 29/5/2012 13:23. Fed up, England are you f&%king stupid. Canada, The United States and Mexico are one country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their countries not continents. Are you confusing countries and continents. Do you not know the difference between a country and a continent. Do you not know what's a country and what's a continent. The U.S. is a country. In the U.S. there are states. Canada is a country. In canada there are providences. Mexico is a country and in mexico there are states. - Alex Salazar, Moreno Valley, CA, 30/5/2012 04:31___ a little too much Mezcal I think .. read the comment again (clue: "it's like saying") - Nick , Chatham, Kent, 30/5/2012 08:23 Click to rate Rating 1 Report abuse It's all so much Shaw. If I knock you up here, you'll need nappies in nine months. Wanna be like the French with a ministry to protect the language from incursions and wind up following German rules (compound words) for blue jeans or Walkman? Stiff upper and all that. Get a kick out of Hindi films where English and American words are sprinkled throughout - Hindish? With global communication in realtime, language and culture are more mutable than ever. I need the closed caption for Scots more than any other speakers, though. For a people who can't decide whether pudding is the dessert course or blood soaked breadstuffs, getting your tighties in a wad over candy and trash cans seems like something for the Ministry of Silly Talks. - pat , penna, 30/5/2012 07:23 Click to rate Rating 2 Report abuse Advent of WWW: example of 'Punctuated Equlibrium' triggering evolution/revolution - Libertarian , USA, 30/5/2012 06:42 Click to rate Rating (0) Report abuse I love these reactionary screeds on language, replete with howling outrage from the commentariat over the fact that "garbage truck" is replacing "dustbin lorry" in the common parlance. Really, I should think you Brits have much more pressing problems to contend with these days. - Lara , California, USA, 30/5/2012 06:38 Click to rate Rating 6 Report abuse Brits think these are abominations of the english language? Listen to some urban dwellers talk in their "ebonics"....Ax (ask) is one that immediately comes to mind. - Brent , Kent, Ohio. U.S., 30/5/2012 05:19 Click to rate Rating 5 Report abuse The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Bing Site Web Enter search term: Search FEMAIL TODAY 'That was our secret': Rapper Consequence claims Kayne West had affair with Kim Kardashian while she was still in a relationship with Reggie Bush Are you SURE that wasn't airbrushed? Nigella Lawson displays slimmer figure in Taste publicity shots... after insisting she didn't want the pictures altered Austerity On Ice! 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Daisy Lowe gives her pup Monty the VIP treatment as she totes him around Monty's not complaining! Behave yourself! Chris Brown chats to pretty female clubber as he hits the town without on/off girlfriend Rihanna She's going to LOVE these pictures! Helen Flanagan vamps it up in her favourite thigh-high leather boots for dinner with a pal... but seems to have her night ruined by 'snobby people' Kelly Osbourne 'engaged' to Matthew Mosshart A friend says Kelly's 'in a healthy relationship with a wonderful guy' That's one way to get through to the next round! SNL cast member drugs and ties Voice host Adam Levine to his swivel chair Parody promo How DO you divide your love between your ageing parents and demanding children? TESSA CUNNINGHAM has to juggle since her father moved in No maternity wear in sight! Kim Kardashian teams daring thigh-high boots with a faux fur coat She continues Paris love-in with Kanye West Snuggly in scarlet! January Jones models bright red knitted jumper at Sundance Film Festival premiere of new movie Sweetwater It's Lauren's Way: Miss Goodger breaks the rules as she makes a daring sartorial decision in a peplum top with leggings Going her own way The royal nag bags! Zara Phillips says she and Duchess of Cornwall bond over their love of horses Horses have been part of both families Flying solo: Katy Perry arrives back in LA without John Mayer after they both attended President Obama's Inaugural Ball Bizarre fashion choices run in the family! Willow Smith sports odd leather coat and maxi skirt combo... as mother Jada wears printed leggings Day out in the big smoke!: Arnold Schwarzenegger and son Patrick shop for cigars as they enjoy bonding time in London The Debenhams perfume counter girl sniffed out by music mogul soars up the charts with cover of classic Duran Duran song Is that you Xena? Lucy Lawless looks a million miles away from her alter ego The 44-year-old looked much less warrior-like and more ladylike in LA Snow in love: Martine McCutcheon and her husband Jack McManus share a picture postcard kiss during romantic winter walk Perfect moment Today's headlines Most Read Revealed: Ballboy, 17, kicked in ribs by Chelsea star is heir to £42m hotel fortune - who boasted about... Joanna Lumley warns young girls who get 'legless' they are at risk of rape, saying: 'Don't get drunk, don't... Britons in Benghazi warned to get out immediately after Foreign Office reports 'imminent threat' Sylvester Stallone 'paid millions of dollars to half-sister who claimed he assaulted her for years at the... Paedophile, 25, had sex with girl, 12, as he hid in her bedroom for TWO DAYS while her unknowing parents sat... Convicted IRA Old Bailey bomber Dolours Price found dead at her home in Ireland Gay chocolatier couple leave Scottish Highlands village 'after suffering years of homophobic and... 'Wake up and smell the coffee': Cameron warns global firms (including Starbucks) of a fresh clampdown on tax... Pro footballers' 'sex assault victim' claims they 'taunted her in the street over humiliating attack as she... Antibiotic resistance is now as serious a threat as terrorism and could trigger an 'apocalyptic scenario',... Eating sandwiches at your desk is ‘disgusting’ and office workers should take proper lunch... Caught on CCTV: Moment distracted newsreader plunged into freezing canal while texting her boyfriend French court orders Twitter to hand over names of racist and anti-Semitic users in landmark case Steve Irwin's 14-year-old daughter Bindi in bizarre spat with Hillary Clinton over article about... Hospitals to become 'warehouses of old people' as health service struggles to cope with ageing population,... BBC presenter who walked out after 11 years claiming she was bullied in ‘poisonous atmosphere’... Mystery death of schoolgirl, 15, at £10,000-a-year private academy as her body is found on motorway 'I told him not to take off TWICE': Millionaire Ivy restaurant owner warned helicopter pilot due to pick him... Osborne needs to 'take stock' of hardline austerity to avoid choking off recovery, says IMF Poll shock for Alex Salmond as support for Scotland leaving the UK slumps to just 23 per cent Pupils aged just TWELVE given nicotine patches by nurses on visits to schools without telling their parents Why you should exercise BEFORE breakfast - you'll burn 20 per cent more body fat How DOES this garden grow? Astonishing plant is still thriving inside sealed bottle after 40 years without... Weekend rain and flood warnings issued across Britain as Big Thaw sets in but ice alerts are still in place... Cancer causing drug may have been in horse meat consumed in UK, Labour warns as Burger King dumps millions... Gary Lineker to sign new Match of the Day deal - but BBC force him to take a £500,000 pay cut Man flu really DOES exist: The way men's brains are wired means their symptoms really are worse Deadly GM flu research that could 'wipe out significant portion of humanity' set to restart Former soldier sends his medals to Prince Charles after fight to stay in the UK leaves his family facing... Grandmother, 77, trapped in 14ft garden cesspit threw her shoes out in desperate bid to raise the alarm... Muslims claim Jabba's Palace Lego toy is racist as it is 'based on iconic mosque in Istanbul' Fewer than one in four people think Islam is compatible with British life, faith minister warns Primary school bans six-year-old boy from wearing Christian band in class for 'health and safety reasons' 'Our pain and suffering is unimaginable': Family of toddler ‘killed by nanny’ speak of desperate... Quit while you're ahead? Smokers who stop by 44 can live almost as long as those who never took up the habit British motorcycle writer killed in accident in front of fellow journalists testing BMW motorcycle at press... Sony fined £250,000 over hacker attack that exposed details of 77 MILLION users - and 'could have been... Are you smarter than your eight-year-old? How 95% of parents are stumped by sums for their kids Overall level of crime falls to record low but fears raised 400,000 offences have not been logged by police Michelin Guide accused of cover-up over death of top French chef who committed suicide months after reports... Keeping chocolate on hobnobs and creating an invisibility cloak: How Britain is leading the world in... Lance Armstrong sued for fraud after two men claim they were 'betrayed' by his best-selling memoirs after he... 'I don't know what normal is any more': Prince Harry reveals he saw seven-year-old girl killed by Taliban on... Sperm whales invite deformed bottlenose dolphin into their underwater clique after creature is rejected by... Indian gang rapists left victim for dead and then 'used her clothes in bonfire to warm up before they... Indian gang rape victim takes poison in court after six year case is adjourned again Almost 200 secondary schools teaching 167,000 pupils fail to meet basic GCSE targets Manager stole £58,000 from doctor's surgery where he worked because he didn't think he was being paid enough March of the Big Mac drive-thru: McDonalds expands number as fast food fans shun traditional restaurants At last, some-fin for nothing: Sainsbury’s free 'alternative' fish giveaway in stores across the UK... MORE HEADLINES Revealed: Ballboy, 17, kicked in ribs by Chelsea star is heir to £42m hotel fortune - who boasted about time-wasting before game Tricks and trysts: Women who sell sex in the ONLY legal brothels in America reveal lonely truth of 'just another day at work' Does it come fully fur-nished? Dream home designed especially for cats to enjoy 'I told him not to take off TWICE': Millionaire Ivy restaurant owner warned helicopter pilot due to pick him up that the weather was too bad before fatal crane crash Dying moments of girl behind bars: Shocking video shows teenager killing herself as prison guards stood by Gay chocolatier couple leave Scottish Highlands village 'after suffering years of homophobic and anti-English abuse' Is this the most mesmerising and beautiful picture of the winter? 'If he was here he would have said "Perfect, darling, perfect"': Michael Winner is buried at funeral attended by the stars 'It was easier to lie back and accept death': Two fathers tried to drown themselves after jet-ski broke down and they drifted 10 miles out to sea Sperm whales invite deformed bottlenose dolphin into their underwater clique after creature is rejected by its own 'I don't know what normal is any more': Prince Harry reveals he saw seven-year-old girl killed by Taliban on his last day of Afghan tour Former soldier sends his medals to Prince Charles after fight to stay in the UK leaves his family facing financial ruin 'I lied to police' admits pro footballers' alleged sex assault victim, who hoped 'detectives would crack case like CSI' Eating sandwiches at your desk is ‘disgusting’ and office workers should take proper lunch breaks, warns health minister who claimed deprived were mostly obese Muslims claim Jabba's Palace Lego toy is racist as it is 'based on iconic mosque in Istanbul' Yes, Prime Minister! Cameron's EU referendum unites Tories, delights business and even gets Germany on side Sylvester Stallone 'paid millions of dollars to half-sister who claimed he assaulted her for years at the height of his fame' 'Have a nice life mum': Final words of boy, 12, who hanged himself hours after being expelled from school Mystery death of schoolgirl, 15, at £10,000-a-year private academy as her body is found on motorway 'We just wanted to find a bargain': Elderly couple looking for jumble sale end up at 'illegal rave' MOST READ IN DETAIL EDITOR'S SIX OF THE BEST MAX HASTINGS: The speech of his life! And if the PM can follow through, he might just seal a historic triumph SIMON HEFFER: How the Prime Minister outfoxed his opponents over the referendum Mr Cameron's given us a real choice on Europe. Let's not squander it, writes LIAM FOX Censoring Fawlty's gags makes the Beeb look more bonkers than Basil Does it come fully fur-nished? Dream home designed especially for cats to enjoy These hectoring celebrity chefs meddling with our plates make me feel queasy, says JAN MOIR   Back to top Navigation Popular Home News U.S. Sport TV&Showbiz Femail Health Science Money RightMinds Coffee Break Travel Columnists Popular searches in news: Sitemap Archive Mobile Apps RSS Text-based site Reader Prints Top of page Daily Mail Mail on Sunday This is Network This is London This is Money Metro Jobsite Mail Travel Zoopla.co.uk Prime Location Villa Holidays Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group © Associated Newspapers Ltd Contact us Advertise with us Terms Privacy policy & cookies