PM faces fight over TV fears of American invasion | Herald Scotland About Us Advertise Subscribe RSS Thursday 24 January 2013 Complete archive of articles from 1989 to today News Home News Crime & Courts Health Education Transport Environment World News Jobs Property Cars Local Businesses Dating Family Notices Book an ad Politics Referendum News Viewpoint Subject Areas Process Other Political News Opinion Jobs Property Cars Local Businesses Dating Family Notices Book an ad Sport Football Opinion Rugby Golf Tennis Cricket Other Sports Jobs Property Cars Local Businesses Dating Family Notices Book an ad Business Company News Markets & Economy People Opinion Personal Finance Bulletin Farming Jobs Property Cars Local Businesses Dating Family Notices Book an ad Comment Columnists The Diary Tom Shields Bloggers In Praise Of... Herald View Letters Obituaries Jobs Property Cars Local Businesses Dating Family Notices Book an ad Arts & Ents Film Stage Music Classical Visual Books & Poetry Opinion Listings Jobs Property Cars Local Businesses Dating Family Notices Book an ad Life & Style Fashion Homes & Interiors/Gardens Outdoors/Leisure Food & Drink Technology Jobs Property Cars Local Businesses Dating Family Notices Book an ad Going Out Puzzles Weather Text size Tweet PM faces fight over TV fears of American invasion Monday 29 July 2002 Custom byline text: Michael Settle Chief political correspondent A POWERFUL group of MPs and peers this week will launch a severe attack on Tony Blair's ambitions to open up Britain's airwaves to American conglomerates - a move which look set to benefit media moguls like Rupert Murdoch. Tweet MOST READ SPONSORED LINKS MOST COMMENTED © Copyright Herald & Times Group All rights reserved Our News Services Mobile Apps and Kindle Newspaper Digital Editions Back Issues Online Archive Email, Twitter, RSS Syndication Our Advertising Services Family Notices Book Your Newspaper Ad online Contact the Sales Team The Facts and Figures View Newspaper Ads Commercial Features Our Personal Services Help, Feedback & Contact Dating Travel Services Photo Sales Crosswords & Sudoku Our Colleagues Evening Times s1 The Scottish Farmer Scottish Horse Newsquest Media Group About Us Herald & Times Group Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy How We Use Cookies Employment 'Does The Wee Man glamorise violence? Of course it does' Fears for Glasgow council leader's future over sex act Spiers on Saturday: Rangers stadium rebranding will happen Anger as Camelot hikes lottery ticket price to £2 It's for YouTube ... how I went viral after a phone call