co. uk Friday 05 January 2018 Advertisement Google's artificial intelligence interprets photos as animal faces, with creepy results Engineers run photos through neural network that interprets them as disturbing collections of animal faces Dogs on horse from Google Many of the results are pretty disturbing Photo: Google By James Titcomb 10:48AM BST 02 Jul 2015 Follow Google has been one of the world's biggest backers of artificial intelligence development, investing heavily in machine learning technology, including with last year's acquisition of British company DeepMind. The company is developing "neural networks" that can spot patterns in pictures to identify them. -- Birds and insects appear in images of leaves. " Google is using the artificial intelligence software in its own products (Photos being one example), but the engineers said the techniques could one day be used as a new artform - a new way to remix visual concepts. While that might not be to everyone's tastes, the results are undoubtedly intriguing.