Search Search China’s security boss planning to use AI to stop crime before it even happens Meng Jianzhu says data analysis can predict patterns which could stop terror attacks of social unrest before they happen Click to follow The Independent Online Meng Jianzhu is China's top security boss AFP/Getty Images China’s top security officer has revealed plans to use artificial intelligence to predict crime, terrorism and social unrest before it happens. Meng Jianzhu, the head of the Chinese Community Party’s central commission for political and legal affairs, said the government would start to use AI software which uses machine learning, data mining and computer modelling to predict where crime and disorder is likely to occur. “Artificial intelligence can complete tasks with a precision and speed unmatchable by humans, and will drastically improve the predictability, accuracy and efficiency of social management,” Mr Meng told colleagues at a meeting in Beijing on Friday. He said security forces should look for patterns in data about terror attacks and build an analysis model to help authorities predict where the attack may strike, Chinese news website thepaper. -- ” He said that the restive province of Xinjiang, home to China's predominantly Muslim Uyghur population, could bear the brunt of these new technologies. How artificial intelligence conquered democracy The Chinese government has brutally suppressed all expressions of the Turkic minority's separate identity in the Western province on the border with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. This has lead to a growing jihadist movement within the community with four attackers reportedly driving a car into a government building before detonating explosives in Karakax county in Xinjiang in December In July, authorities in the region ordered all local residents to install an app on their mobile phones which will monitor them for "terrorist activity", Radio Free Asia reported.