Google's Artificial Intelligence Chief Thinks Elon Musk's AI Fears Are Overblown 'I am definitely not worried about the AI apocalypse,' said John Giannandrea at a tech conference on Tuesday on the topic of Tesla's Elon Musk. ByAnnie Palmer Sep 19, 2017 6:51 PM EDT Some of Silicon Valley's top brass have issued warnings about the threat of artificial intelligence, but not everyone is that worried, including Alphabet Inc. 's (GOOGL) Google. -- " The comments contrast sharply with those of Tesla Inc. (TSLA) CEO's Elon Musk, who has quickly become one of Silicon Valley's most vocal critics of artificial intelligence. For the last several months, Musk has made headlines after calling AI the "scariest problem" that represents a greater threat than North Korea that could lead to World War III. -- S. government to step in and regulate the spread of artificial intelligence, believing it threatens to eliminate jobs en masse. Giannandrea countered those concerns, however, saying that there's "no evidence we're on the cusp" of an imminent AI takeover. At times, he said he's shied away from using the term artificial intelligence because it can be ambiguous and scary to average people, similar to phrases such as 'big data. ' "It's such a broad term and it's really not well-defined," he said of AI. "I prefer to use the term machine intelligence, or making machines slightly more intelligent and less dumb. " Google has good reason to minimize concerns about artificial intelligence. Shortly after CEO Sundar Pichai took the helm in 2015, he declared Google an "AI first" company.