Search Search Alex Garland's 'Ex Machina': is true artificial intelligence sci-fi or sci-fact? The former literary rock star's brilliant directorial debut explores the development of artificial consciousness - a subject which is more topical than ever Click to follow The Independent Culture Still from the film 'Ex Machina' UPI Media "Tough crowd …. -- The reason for their presence? The high-concept thriller deals with that most topical of scientific topics, artificial intelligence, via the tale of a beautiful machine, Ava, believed by its creator to be the first truly human-like robot. As if proving the film’s currency, after the screening Demis Hassabis, founder of British AI company DeepMind Technologies, approached Garland and suggested they go out to dinner; last year, DeepMind was bought by Google, becoming its largest-ever European acquisition. -- During a lecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the tech pioneer Elon Musk compared the development of AI to “summoning the demon”. Meanwhile Professor Stephen Hawking recently told the BBC: “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race. It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever-increasing rate.