Skip to main content current edition: International edition The Guardian - Back to home Become a supporter Subscribe Find a job Jobs Sign in Search Show More Close with google sign in become a supporter subscribe search find a job dating more from the guardian: change edition: edition International edition The Guardian - Back to home browse all sections close Artificial intelligence (AI) Opinion How much should we fear the rise of artificial intelligence? Tom Chatfield From the games program AlphaGo to the movie 2001, we are often warned of the threats posed by computers. But there is a way to live alongside technology Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. MGM/Everett//Rex Features Artificial intelligence (AI) Opinion How much should we fear the rise of artificial intelligence? Tom Chatfield From the games program AlphaGo to the movie 2001, we are often warned of the threats posed by computers. -- Where will the machines claim their next victory: putting you out of a job; solving the mysteries of science; bettering human abilities in the bedroom? AlphaGo’s success was down to artificial intelligence (AI): the computer program taught itself how to improve its game by playing millions of matches against itself. But the trouble with using games such as chess and Go as measures of technological progress is that they are competitions. -- The results closely map the degree of intimacy involved. Artificial intelligence is OK at a distance. Up close and personal, however, the lack of a human face counts more and more. -- Topics Loading comments… Trouble loading? more on this story World's best Go player flummoxed by Google’s ‘godlike’ AlphaGo AI Ke Jie, who once boasted he would never be beaten by a computer at the ancient Chinese game, said he had ‘horrible experience’ Published: 23 May 2017 World's best Go player flummoxed by Google’s ‘godlike’ AlphaGo AI Artificial intelligence 'judge' developed by UCL computer scientists Software program can weigh up legal evidence and moral questions of right and wrong to predict the outcome of trials Published: 24 Oct 2016 Artificial intelligence 'judge' developed by UCL computer scientists Stephen Hawking: AI will be 'either best or worst thing' for humanity Professor praises creation of Cambridge University institute to study future of artificial intelligence Published: 19 Oct 2016 Stephen Hawking: AI will be 'either best or worst thing' for humanity Google creates AI program that uses reasoning to navigate the London tube Combining external memory and deep learning, DeepMind’s program learns how to do tasks independently, and could pave the way for sophisticated AI assistants Published: 12 Oct 2016 Google creates AI program that uses reasoning to navigate the London tube + Machine logic: our lives are ruled by big tech's 'decisions by data' Julia Powles in Berlin Published: 8 Oct 2016 Machine logic: our lives are ruled by big tech's 'decisions by data' + James Lovelock: ‘Before the end of this century, robots will have taken over’ Published: 30 Sep 2016 James Lovelock: ‘Before the end of this century, robots will have taken over’ + How can we address real concerns over artificial intelligence? Harry Armstrong and Jared Robert Keller Published: 15 Sep 2016 How can we address real concerns over artificial intelligence? + Artificial intelligence: ‘We’re like children playing with a bomb’ Published: 12 Jun 2016 Artificial intelligence: ‘We’re like children playing with a bomb’ most viewed The Guardian back to top all sections close back to top All rights reserved.