In their new book: Machine, Platform, Crowd, the authors set out to dispel the myth that robots are only suited for “dull, dirty and dangerous” tasks that people can’t - or simply don’t want - to do. They insist that artificial intelligence and machine learning is not only getting smarter, but more creative. _with_em_the_machines Take the US elections. -- Shanghai Tower The Shanghai Tower during its construction phase in 2013. The original concept was designed by artificial intelligence Credit: AFP/Getty Computers have even designed a race car chassis from scratch. A few years ago, researchers at the 3D design specialist Autodesk teamed up with a group of car designers and stunt drivers to take on the task. -- PwC is already working with haulage companies to ensure their drivers are equipped with the skills for the future. Euan Cameron, an artificial intelligence expert at PwC, believes the future is as bright for the company's auditors as the haulage companies they advise. "For the hauliers we see an augmented solution where for instance the trucks are doing a motorway stretch autonomously while the driver is doing other stuff or sleeping, ready to intervene.