But if we are going to teach children to use the internet properly we need to do more than controlling its ‘threats’. virtual reality Whether we like it or not, artificial intelligence, algorithms, advances in genetic engineering, nanotechnology and biology are already shaping our world at a pace we can scarcely comprehend. Rather than adding another ‘subject’, we should be looking at the whole purpose of education and asking whether our current systems are still fit for purpose. -- As many occupations disappear altogether, in the same way that streaming has decimated video and music stores, new professions will undoubtedly surface, but it is likely they will require more flexibility and creativity than our current education system allows. Artificial intelligence and algorithms are already playing a significant role in our day to day lives, so it will be no surprise when teachers also become surplus to requirements. Meanwhile, we are so hung up on data that we are wasting huge amounts of human potential, squeezing the creativity out of young minds. -- ' School updates carol to be more 'inclusive' 29 Dec 2017, 12:01am Leading private school uses Greek philosophers to teach pupils how to spot 'fake news' 27 Dec 2017, 6:11pm Academics who criticised professor's British Empire research likened to Stalin by former equalities tsar Trevor Phillips before term starts means parents feel no guilt in employing a tutor 27 Dec 2017, 2:24pm Should your child be tutored over the Christmas break? 26 Dec 2017, 12:50pm Universities will be less able to make scientific breakthroughs if they do not tackle 'safe space' culture, minister warns 26 Dec 2017, 6:00am Don’t shield students from opinions they don’t agree with, universities minister Jo Johnson warns 23 Dec 2017, 3:00pm Comment: Universities cashing in on unconditional offers are doing great harm to our examinations system Chris Ramsey 22 Dec 2017, 8:21pm Home Office blocks Canadian from teaching Gaelic in Hebridean primary school 22 Dec 2017, 7:17pm Rounders is being replaced by cricket at girls’ schools as it is seen as a 'leisure activity' rather than a sport, leading head says month 22 Dec 2017, 7:01pm Mosques launch legal challenge against an council’s bid to ban halal meat in schools select committee chair writes 22 Dec 2017, 3:31pm Comment: Foster children face a lottery of care in a system that is under pressure Rob Halfon 22 Dec 2017, 12:15pm Vice-chancellors enriched by deficit-hit pension scheme Codrington Library 22 Dec 2017, 9:00am Comment: Let us not forget the positives of empire – not least its lessons for the future David Twiston Davies Premium 21 Dec 2017, 6:03pm Skateboarding to success: how half pipes are helping children caught up in the Greek refugee crisis rated inadequate or requires improvement 21 Dec 2017, 5:59pm Ofsted should use artificial intelligence to determine which schools will fail, report suggests legacy of the British Empire 20 Dec 2017, 6:26pm Oxford academics criticise professor who suggested people should have 'pride' about aspects of British Empire against the Codrington Library and commemoration of its founder, Christopher Codrington 20 Dec 2017, 6:16pm Oxford college commissions slavery plaque amid student pressure over benefactor's colonial links 20 Dec 2017, 3:22pm Comment: Can a university education still guarantee prosperity? Professor Sir Keith Burnett Premium Keith Burnett Please support us by disabling your adblocker We've noticed you're adblocking.