15 the 8 Google 7 to 7 centre 6 use 6 of 6 at 4 my 4 its 4 datum 4 by 4 as 3 intelligence 3 energy 3 cool 3 artificial 3 and 3 a 2 them 2 Telegraph 2 reduce 2 per 2 newsletter 2 much 2 machine 2 Logout 2 learn 2 it 2 in 2 immense 2 have 2 from 2 for 2 detail 2 Credit 2 consume 2 cent 2 be 1 year 1 world 1 work 1 where 1 weather 1 wealth 1 Water 1 vapour 1 user 1 Upgrade 1 understand 1 tower 1 total 1 thousand 1 temperature 1 technology 1 stream 1 steam 1 speed 1 server 1 sensor 1 search 1 say 1 S 1 put 1 pump 1 process 1 Premium 1 power 1 pipe 1 Orgeon 1 more 1 maze 1 manage 1 make 1 July 1 information 1 include 1 greenhouse 1 giant 1 gas 1 environment 1 emit 1 emission 1 electricity 1 efficient 1 DeepMind 1 data 1 Dalles 1 cut 1 create 1 could 1 company 1 Cambridge-based 1 call 1 cable 1 bill 1 analyse 1 an 1 amount 1 all 1 Ai 1 acquire 1 account 1 59pm 1 40pc