The Telegraph My details My newsletters Logout Upgrade to Premium My details My newsletters Logout The Telegraph Google I/O 2016: What to expect from Android N to virtual reality [72830211-sundar-pichai-tech_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqN4ePBoE4ef7kaLHd_OTbYype AP 18 May 2016 • 3:38pm Google I/O is the Google's annual developer jamboree, to which thousands of developers flock for the latest news on Google's operating systems - Android and Chrome. But Google being the sprawling all-encompassing giant that it is, you can expect a lot more: I/O, as with Apple's WWDC and Facebook's F8 conferences, is likely to feature a string of announcements from the internet giant: last year saw news about Android Pay, Google Photos and Google's VR headset, Cardboard. Here's what to expect. Google's I/O keynote begins at 10am Pacific Time (6pm UK time) on Wednesday May 18. google i/o countdown Android N We can definitely expect some news about Android N, the next generation of Google's smartphone and tablet operating system. The company has jumped the gun somewhat this year, releasing a developer preview in March. Android N (which in keeping with Google tradition will be named after something sweet - Marshmallow and Lollipop being its most recent predecessors), will include updates such as multi-window support and replies from within notifications. But we can expect some more updates on Wednesday. android N (new version) Virtual Reality Facebook, Samsung, Sony and HTC have been making big moves in virtual reality, but Google's efforts have so far been fairly piecemeal. Cardboard - a DIY 360-degree video headset - was unveiled two years ago, Tilt Brush - a sort-of 3D painting game - and Project Tango - experimental augmented-reality software - is the best of it. VR is likely to have a major place at I/O this year. Rumours abound that a virtual reality headset, and possibly a version of Android for VR, are on the way. Android VR will definitely be announced next week, and from what I’ve heard will be less powerful than the Vive or Rift. — Peter Rojas (@peterrojas) May 11, 2016 We're very likely to see more on Project Tango, which has been in development for years now. Chrome OS Google released the cloud-based operating system seven years ago, but reports last year suggested it could be folded into Android to create one unitary operating system. Google has denied this, saying it backs Chromebooks wholeheartedly, but this hasn't stopped the whispers. Some sort of integration between Android and Chrome could well be on the cards - Google will possibly announce that Android apps will work on its desktop software, bringing the Play Store to laptops. A rival to the Amazon Echo One of the most exciting gadgets of the last year has been Amazon's Echo, the (as-yet US only) home speaker/intelligent assistant. The Echo - a device that came out of nowhere - has become a fixture in many people's lives, used to set timers, reminders, play music, turn lights off and so on. Tech website Recode reported last week that Google was designing a rival device, codenamed "Chirp". Google is already fairly advanced in the virtual assistant and voice-recognition stakes, and of course wouldn't turn down an opportunity to be always listening. . . The Amazon Echo The Amazon Echo Credit: AP Whether or not we see an Echo competitor, more strides into the "Internet of Things" are likely. Last year Google unveiled Project Brillo, an operating system for the smart home. Xiaomi's Hugo Barra tweeted that the company will be a part of the presentation with a graphic hinting at a connected speaker-type device. Beyond thrilled to share that Xiaomi will be a part of Google I/O. A pic. twitter. com/GP3HHE3F6c — Hugo Barra (@hbarra) May 17, 2016 Artificial intelligence Google has been telling everyone who will listen about its strides in artificial intelligence in the last few months. It has open-sourced AI software, began using it more in its everyday services, and beaten the world champion at Go. Given that, it would be highly unlikely that it won't be showing off its artificial intelligence prowess with some item or other at I/O. best android apps READ MORE ABOUT: If you would like to add a comment, please register or log in Register Log in Please review our commenting policy Technology latest 06 Jan 2018, 2:35pm Bitcoin futures investors set to suffer losses as cryptocurrency fever fades Premium 06 Jan 2018, 2:28pm How can I buy bitcoin in the UK? 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