Tuesday 02 January 2018


What happens when a computer program is taught to write new episodes of Friends

Artificial intelligence network attempts to recreate scene from comedy show after being fed every single script

The Friends cast in Monica's apartment, the set which will be the main attraction at FriendsFest
'Monica: I hate men! I hate men!' Photo: ALAMY

They say a monkey left to hit a keyboard for an infinite amount of time will write Shakespeare, but when it comes to Friends scripts, a computer can do the job a lot quicker.

An artificial intelligence program, when fed with scripts from the entire Friends back catalogue, has produced hilarious, if not entirely up to scratch, new scenes for the show.

The network re-creates the back-and-forth conversations between the show's six lead members, including faithfully adding character traits such as Chandler beginning sentences with "so," and Joey's "seriously", although they probably wouldn't be accepted by the show's producers.

Andy Herd, a software developer from Dundee and creator of the Pandyland web comic, used a recurrent neural network - a form of artificial intelligence that has proven to be relatively adapt at understanding and forming language - to generate the new scripts.

Although they make little sense, the tone and character of Friends is unmissable. It even includes Jean-Claude Van Damme, a guest star in one episode.

A particular highlight is the following exchange:

Chandler: So, Phoebe likes my pants

Monica: Chicken Bob!

Chandler: (in a muffin) (Runs to the girls to cry) Can I get some presents.

Interactive: friends4

Interactive: friends3

Interactive: friends1

Interactive: friends2

There have been huge advances in artificial intelligence in recent years, with speech, image and text recognition as well as sentence formation improving markedly. This is enabling a wave of semi-intelligent assistants and customer service bots.

Humour is seen as one of the final frontiers of artificial intelligence, being one of the most difficult things for computers to understand, which is perhaps unsurprising since psychologists also don't understand it nearly as well as other psychological phenomena.

Most jokes told by robots have been pretty elementary, and pun based - "What do you call a strange market? A bizarre bazaar".

Recent reports of a Friends reunion have been quashed, but if it does happen soon, scriptwriters probably won't be nervously looking over their shoulders.

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