Wednesday 03 January 2018


Defeated Go grandmaster wants a rematch against computer

Lee Se-dol believes he learned enough about AplhaGo's tactics that he will triumph in next contest

The world's top Go player Lee Sedol drinks water after putting the first stone against Google's artificial intelligence program AlphaGo during the third match of Google DeepMind Challenge Match in Seoul
Lee Sedol after finishing the third match of the Google DeepMind Challenge Photo: Lee Jin-man/AP

The South Korean Go grandmaster soundly defeated by the AlphaGo computer programme says he would like a rematch and hinted that he may have found a tactic to defeat the machine.

Lee Se-dol conceded the final match in the five-game series in Seoul on March 15, losing the tournament by four games to one. Yet the fact that he triumphed in the penultimate contest has apparently given Mr Lee hope that he can get the better of artificial intelligence over a new series of games.

"I will have to consider it carefully, but if AlphaGo wants a rematch, I'd like to face it again, but on the condition that it will take place in the near future", Mr Lee told Yonhap News.

Yet he was careful not to divulge the chinks that he has identified in the computer programme's armour that will help him win next time.

"I figured out AlphaGo to some degree during out last meeting", was the only indication of a new strategy by Mr Lee, who has taken a holiday with his family since his very public defeat.

The holder of 18 international Go titles and a ninth-dan player, Mr Lee became a professional player at the age of 12 and had confidently predicted before the match-up that he would win all five games. In a worst-case scenario, he said, he feared losing one game to AlphaGo.

Go Fans watch a TV screen showing the live broadcast of the Google DeepMind Challenge Match at Yongsan Electronic Technology Land in Seoul, South KoreaGo Fans watch a TV screen showing the live broadcast of the Google DeepMind Challenge Match in Seoul  Photo: Alamy

Mr Lee said he has been playing Go - or "baduk", as it is known in Korea - for such a long time that he may have become a little jaded. But the defeat has served to rekindle the old enthusiasm, he said.

Immediately after Mr Lee's defeat in the final game, the Korea Baduk Association asked Demis Hassabis, the CEO of AlphaGo designer Google DeepMind, for a rematch. Mr Hassabis said no decision has been made on the computer's next opponent.

One possible match could pit artificial intelligence against Ke Jie, the 18-year-old world number one.

"Even if AlphaGo can defeat Lee Se-dol, it can't bear me", Mr Ke wrote on his microblog account.

After AlphaGo had raced into an unassailable three-game lead over Mr Lee, Mr Hassabis admitted to being "a bit stunned and speechless" at the scale of the achievement.

Go is considered a far more demanding board game than chess, in part because it has more possible move configurations than there are atoms in the universe but also because players need to demonstrate creativity and intuition to win.

Before AlphaGo's victory, those attributes were believed to be the preserve of human players.


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