+ Teenagers * Teenagers› * You and your teen› * What your teenager needs * Teenagers * What your teenager needs * Living with teens * Spending time with your teenager * Parenting teenagers What your teenager needs Young people going through the process of adolescence need what they The difference for teenagers is that while children need their parents the important decisions, teenagers need to be side by side. Teenagers what teenagers need own skills. When it comes to dealing with teenagers, we may use much on your teenager. What teens need flash points with teenagers may be a conflict between parents wish to fulfil these needs and a teenagers apparent desire to frustrate or be Teenagers may defy your attempts to keep them safe, by staying out What teenagers want as much as when they were little is your love, your Too often, because teenagers are being moody and withdraw into Teenagers still want to spend time together with their parents. Yes, of need for teenagers. Teenagers need both stimulation and activity, and rest and relaxation. Teenagers today seem surrounded by an overload of things to do and ways Teenagers also need the activity bit - and that doesn't just mean to keep fit by rushing around in school breaks. Teenagers often need Teenagers need us to give them choices and responsibility appropriate to their age. Teenagers can become stroppy, insisting they are What may be more effective, and certainly more what teenagers need, is for a gradual process where teenagers learn to take on decision making, part of being a teenager is to want to take on the role - and if they uncontrolled way. When adolescents act irresponsibly and foolishly it’s One of the ways we meet our teenager’s needs as parents is by giving them attention. This is as true of teenagers as it is of children. What teenagers, even more than children, need is helpful attention. Giving A key element in dealing with teenagers is to enjoy them. This can you, arguing with you and ignoring you. However, from the teenager’s Adolescence is the time for choices. It’s when they have to decide what befriend and be loyal to. Parents and teenagers can argue over so many issues you point to. Adolescence is, after all, a painful time of life promising student leaving school at 16, or a teenager insisting on Teenagers * What your teenager needs * Living with teens * Spending time with your teenager * Parenting teenagers Talk teenagers in our forum teenagers forum Come and chat to other parents about raising teenagers in our forum