Parenting >> blog >> Parenting >> 20 Most Common Teenage Girl Problems 20 Most Common Teenage Girl Problems and Solutions 20 Most Common Teenage Girl Problems and Solutions People say that teenage is the best phase of one’s life and well, not side urging the teens to try their hands on various activities, there adult life. If you have a teenager at home then you surely must be him/her explore the wonders of teenage life. The best you can do is Just like a coin has two facets, even teenage life has two sides, which comes with a lot of challenges. If you have a teenage girl, she must be teenage girl problems with guys, peer pressure, self esteem, substance use, menstruation and so on. So, I present to you 10 common teenage to this blog to find out the top 10 problems teenagers face and how you Tips to Solve Common Adolescent and Teenage Problems 1. Appearance: This problem emerges as number one on every teenage teenagers are bombarded with social media these days, which add on teenage girl. media has affiliated sex to such teenage romance and your child teenagers, be it girls or boys. This problem also leads to 9. Friendship: During teenage years, every relationship might seem + Best Christmas Gifts Ideas For Your Teen + 12 Coming-Of-Age Bollywood Movies Your Teen Should Watch 11. Self esteem: Teenage girls get under the habit of comparing 13. Peer Pressure: Among all the problems a teenager faces, peer pressure has to be one of them. Teenagers are constantly under the 15. Substance Use: This is the problem that most teens face today all a number of teens indulge in substance use, which later on becomes order to reduce their stress or just to feel good, teenage girls + Teen Speak - Teens Share Why They Resort To Lying + How To Cope With Teen Disobedience? + This Summer Vacation Watch These Movies Your Teen 19. Depression: Teens can get affected at anything and everything, Great article. Few issues apply for teen boys too. Thank you so much it's very helpful information as every teengers mom Is Your Teen Rude & Back-Talking To.. Is Your Teen Rude & Back-Talking To.. In the Midst of Teenagers Argument In the Midst of Teenagers Argument