#Understanding Teenagers Blog » Feed Understanding Teenagers Blog » Comments Feed Understanding Teenagers Blog » Managing Teenage Screen Understanding Teenagers Blog Helping Adults Help teens Managing Teenage Screen Time Managing Teenage Screen Time what it means to parent teens who are growing up in digitally saturated what is the right thing to do about their teenagers use of phones, and opportunities of teenagers and screen time. want teens to value reading, and texts are now on screens, limiting technology use is a contributor then your teen has too much screen time. If your teen is not suffering from any of the above issues, then The other signs your teen has too much of a good thing when it comes to technology access is the state of their mental health. If your teen time. There are different types of screens that teens encounter on a teenagers. Any limit on screen time needs to define if watching TV is formats. It is likely your teens will be on their tablet or e-reader to your teen’s kindle use the same way as you would their time with This is the opposite of passive consumption, whereby teens are actively with or against others, while often it will just be your teen against the computer. The gaming aspect can be a serious issue for some teens click on earlier posts about teenage online gaming here. Teens like spending time with teenagers. Teenagers want to be online because they like other teenagers, not because they love of technology. Wanting to hang out with peers is a normal teenage desire. It was most likely a feature of your adolescence, as it has been for generations Adults often overlook a key aspect of the online world for teenagers – once or twice a week. For today’s teens, digital communication makes When teens are using social media and texting apps they do not consider group. This is why teens who have less access than all their friends do that a teen should spend all day creating movies. But if your teen is source of information, teens are required to go online as part of their Most teenagers (in Australia at least) need to be in front of screens teen will need to be in front of screen daily / weekly. The goal of parenting your teenager is to launch your teen into adulthood. By the time your teen has finished high school you want them When it comes to screen time, when your teen moves out with friends or your teen to take more and more responsibility for their own media use is always an individual thing determined by you, your teenager and your have the laissez-faire parenting style, which leaves teens to manage abstinence, by banning their teen from all but the most basic or your teenager in the digital space as well as the rest of life. Not space is a recipe for disaster, and you are failing to equip your teen allowing teens to participate in the digital world can be just as harmful in the long run as letting teens have unfitted access to The most common reason parents fail to allow their teens to engage in the online world as teenagers is because of fear. It is natural to fear doesn’t make it okay for you to allow your teen to grow up unprepared parented, it is vital that you actively engage with your teenager and As a parent you have the ability to shape your teenager’s technology you have an obligation and the ability to shape the way your teen uses and most importantly talk to your teenager about all of the above. teen to be a responsible digital citizen. As a parent, you need to be what your teen is doing with the screen. helpful boundaries and screen time allowances for teens. Your teen may carry on like you are starving them of life giving teen needs to value, rather than demand or expect. Privileges are the things in life teenagers earn the right to have. When your teen fails to live up to an expectation associated with a parent are paying, your teen is definitely enjoying access as a teenager can do in terms of screen time and digital communication. managing their teenagers screen time. Often this is because they have impossible. But the reality is as long as your teenager is in your So it is pretty straight forward, set digital limits with your teens. individual boundaries or agreements based on your teen’s maturity, with your teens the easier it will be to manage. If you have a 15 year focus is on extending and adjusting boundaries as your teen never set limits with your teen before, it is not too late to start. If all at once. For older teens, the conversation will need to be in the There are lots of studies about the hours per day teenagers are in adults are exposed to? If teenagers spend on average up to 8 hours a Telling your teenager about the evils of screens will be hard to do if you are in front of a screen as much as your teen. Your media habits will be a big influence on your teenager’s own habits. Your actions If you want your teen to develop the habit of focusing on one thing at limits you are putting on your teen and the example you are setting, and more explaining to teens when and why what you do is okay and why your teenagers. What is your approach? Have you got a rule of thumb teenager? Please let us all know in the comments section below. 100% focused on helping adults help teenagers! Get quality articles Youth Expert, Parenting Coach, & Editor of Understanding Teenagers. I try share what wisdom I have gained about teenagers with those who need preaches. One thing I know about teenagers is that they often think guest posts — about would be of the need to educate our teens about All About Teenagers Every article & resource is focused on helping adults help teens. Who couldn't use some help raising teenagers? consultant specialising in helping adults connect with teenagers. This [Square-avatar1.jpg] The Understanding Teenagers blog is edited by former youth worker and teenage expert Chris Hudson. Find out more about Chris and the services Understanding Teenagers offers. © Copyright 2015 Understanding Teenagers · All Rights Reserved ·