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Often to relieve the stress of the busy year at school, or ward off even the thought of the word “results”, most people my age will turn to alcohol. At blissful summer barbecues with friends the temptation is to either follow the crowd and drink excessively, or to not go at all. As a Christian teenager myself, and having completed my final year of A-levels, this summer will entail parties and gatherings with plenty to drink. While wanting to fit in, and also knowing in the back of my mind that Ephesians clearly says “Do not get drunk on wine,” I struggle to find a balance. I have, however, found a happy medium that means I can enjoy time with friends whilst remaining true to what the Bible says. By limiting myself to having one drink to last the evening, I can enjoy the time spent with friends and not feel rough the next morning. I can be there for the friend who needs taking home slightly early. Most importantly, I can explain to my friends the reasons behind why I don’t drink excessively—living out the gospel can lead to brilliant opportunities of sharing the gospel! And more often than not people are far more accepting than you realise. Although the temptation is there—and yes, we do sometimes get it wrong—it is so much better to live God’s way. Another big summer worry for many teenagers, including myself, is the long awaited results day. It determines whether we will be moving on to do A-levels or an apprenticeship, or whether we will be pursuing a University degree or full-time day job. Essentially it reflects the hard, or not so hard, work that we put into summer exams and directs our lives in one direction or another. So many students become caught up in the fear of the unknown, and it is so easy to worry with them. A great encouragement I have found throughout previous results days is the knowledge that my grades do not ultimately define me, and however hard I have worked, it has not been through my own strength. Yes, these qualifications are the key to unlocking the next stage of life, but what an encouragement to know that the next stage of life is already known by my Creator! My identity can be found in Christ alone, and God’s plan for me goes beyond any grade on a piece of paper. My identity can be found in Christ alone, and God’s plan for me goes beyond any grade on a piece of paper. Another fantastic way I have been massively encouraged this summer is through attending Ventures’ Colwyn Bay 3, a summer camp for 14-18 year olds. After five years of attending Christian summer camps I can safely say they never fail to be the most brilliant, replenishing, yet exhausting week of the year. Being thrown into an environment amongst other teenage Christians you might otherwise never have met and receiving fantastic teaching, camp is a week of fuel that helps sustain you for the rest of the year. All the struggles you may face at home can be shared with leaders and similar trials discussed with people your age. Despite the appealing nature of the summer holidays, it can often seem like a real battle. For me, it has been so important to meet with fellow Christian friends and share my battles and worries with them and in turn with God. That is something I need to persistently continue with, and I urge you to as well—throughout the summer and after! Top tips for surviving summer as a teenager * Do try and attend a Christian camp. Whether you find it through your church or online, you won’t regret it! * Be prayerful when/if worrying about results and “cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5 v 7). * Try and meet up with Christian friends as well as non-Christian friends—this way you can build each other up and be encouraged that you aren’t in it alone! * Don’t forget that God’s way is the best way. He gives us boundaries for our good—although it’s tempting not to, try and stick to them. Top tips for helping teenagers you know survive the summer Parents… * Persistently pray that we keep trusting the Lord in all aspects of our lives. * Be aware of the pressures that we are facing both socially and academically – try not to let your expectations overwhelm us! * Encourage us to keep up committed bible reading time—it can make such a difference. Youth leaders and church members… * Do recommend bible reading notes or helpful books that may be useful during this stressful time. * Do offer time to meet with individuals over the summer to encourage and bless us with your wisdom! Now you've read the article, let us know what you think. Comment in the box below. You can also like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel 6 Comments Rebecca Huntsman 3:54 PM BST on August 11th Great article Bethany! Rosemary Foster 11:18 PM BST on August 11th This is fantastic, beautifully written, you make my heart swell, I am so proud of you xxx Bethany Cooper 9:45 AM BST on August 12th Thank you so much for your lovely comments! Glad you enjoyed the reading xx Cate Cooper 7:18 PM BST on August 12th Clearly written article Bethany and the reminder not to overwhelm your children with worldly expectations! Ruth Flanagan 2:09 PM BST on August 13th Great article Bethany! Very wise and a good reminder to us parents to continually pray and encourage our kids to get into good bible reading habits. Hope you get the results you want. Sylvia Jennings 8:18 PM BST on August 17th Wonderful article, Bethany! Love your honesty, your care for your peers and insight for parents and the whole church. Thank you xxx Leave a comment ____________________ ____________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ *To reduce spam, please enter the word 'comment' in the box below: ____________________ Comments will be held for moderation and posted as soon as possible. (Submit) Post [file_4y74qfe2zrevtihjuidneot645bnbu4k.JPG] Bethany Cooper Bethany has just finished her final year of A Levels and is hoping to study Primary Education at Uni after a gap year. She serves in her church as a children's work leader and singer. Featured product [tricky_thumbnail.bttotgihszaima6xl55yunyzpsambu7h.jpg] Tricky £4.99 £4.24 Related titles [true2_thumbnail.yi4tmhligo7e3ovcmijrnws25hqu2xh3.jpg] [lbbsex_thumbnail.bvotvqeamsbyz6mpyfvhxuuohsmj7jmr.jpg] [ldworry_thumbnail.hjog6xdm752qmagw2ebqmrohfru27xed.jpg] [tl_thumbnail.tijsg2d7iaqhdchakrozupjuw4as2zhl.jpg] Customer Service * Contact us * About us * Trade * Shipping & delivery * Returns * Careers * Discount policy * Privacy & security * Payment methods * Terms & conditions * Sitemap A little about us... At The Good Book Company, we are dedicated to helping individual Christians and local churches grow. We believe that God's growth process always starts with hearing clearly what He has said to us through His timeless word — the Bible. We strive to... Read more * The Bible Our resources are rooted in the Bible. 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