26 your teen 24 screen time 19 to be 17 need to 12 you are 12 in the 11 your teenager 10 you have 10 of the 10 is a 10 don t 9 your kids 9 will be 9 social media 9 it is 9 If you 8 Understanding Teenagers 8 is not 7 types of 7 they are 7 in front 7 if you 7 how to 7 front of 7 and the 6 to the 6 There are 6 the digital 6 Screen Time 6 of a 6 is the 6 in a 6 different types 6 as a 6 amount of 6 a parent 5 you to 5 you need 5 with your 5 when it 5 This is 5 the time 5 teen to 5 on the 5 of their 5 of screens 5 of screen 5 not be 5 needs to 5 It is 5 be a 5 about the 5 a privilege 4 what is 4 watching TV 4 to technology 4 to manage 4 to have 4 to do 4 the world 4 the above 4 teens to 4 Teenagers Blog 4 teen is 4 set limits 4 per day 4 much time 4 media and 4 limits on 4 kids are 4 it will 4 it comes 4 is to 4 I was 4 I am 4 how much 4 have a 4 for your 4 Do you 4 comes to 4 because they 4 be in 4 at the 4 access to 4 a screen 3 your teens 3 you want 3 you don 3 would be 3 with the 3 will not 3 will need 3 when you 3 want your 3 understand the 3 too much 3 to your 3 to use 3 to participate 3 to consider 3 to an 3 to allow 3 time your 3 time I 3 they will 3 there are 3 then you 3 them to 3 their own 3 the way 3 the same 3 the online 3 the need 3 the internet 3 the average 3 the amount 3 the ability 3 that you 3 terms of 3 teens are 3 Teenage Screen 3 teen has 3 technology use 3 t be 3 same way 3 reading and 3 part of 3 parent you 3 out on 3 online world 3 One thing 3 on your 3 on screen 3 of social 3 not true 3 not too 3 not a 3 many of 3 Managing Teenage 3 limits and 3 is important 3 is an 3 in terms 3 house rules 3 hours per 3 helping adults 3 growing up 3 for the 3 for screen 3 for a 3 equip your 3 doesn t 3 do not 3 digital space 3 consider what 3 can be 3 But the 3 be the 3 as your 3 As a 3 are the 3 are in 3 are different 3 and why 3 and what 3 and more 3 and it 3 all day 3 ability to 3 a responsible 3 a lot 2 you your 2 you will 2 you set 2 You are 2 wouldn t 2 worst parent 2 with teenagers 2 with peers 2 with a 2 who are 2 which is 2 when they 2 when the 2 When considering 2 when and 2 what your 2 what we 2 what they 2 what the 2 what else 2 we were 2 way we 2 want to 2 via a 2 using technology 2 using social 2 use is 2 up with 2 up to 2 up in 2 try and 2 too late 2 to value 2 to try 2 to them 2 to teach 2 to take 2 to start 2 to shape 2 to setting 2 to set 2 to read 2 to parent 2 to include 2 to hang 2 to get 2 to gaming 2 to a 2 time you 2 time with 2 Time is 2 time in 2 time If 2 time becomes 2 time at 2 time and 2 through the 2 this to 2 this is 2 This includes 2 thing I 2 they have 2 they can 2 their teenagers 2 their digital 2 the worst 2 the screen 2 the right 2 The other 2 the one 2 the movie 2 the most 2 the laissez 2 the introduction 2 the computer 2 the big 2 that they 2 that are 2 teens who 2 teens the 2 teenagers is 2 teenager s 2 teenager is 2 teenager and 2 teenager about 2 teen s 2 teen demonstrates 2 technology is 2 technology and 2 take part 2 tablet or 2 t want 2 t mean 2 t let 2 Square avatar1 2 spend all 2 space as 2 shouldn t 2 should spend 2 setting limits 2 setting digital 2 screens for 2 screen use 2 rules for 2 Resources Contact 2 required to 2 remember that 2 rather than 2 posts about 2 participate in 2 part in 2 parenting your 2 parent in 2 out with 2 out more 2 or social 2 or a 2 online I 2 one thing 2 on screens 2 on helping 2 on a 2 okay for 2 okay and 2 of your 2 of you 2 of writing 2 of us 2 of time 2 of these 2 of that 2 of technology 2 of parenting 2 of life 2 of how 2 not equip 2 navigate the 2 much screen 2 more than 2 more responsibility 2 more and 2 media accounts 2 means to 2 mean that 2 me encourage 2 may be 2 many parents 2 manage their 2 Mail Address 2 love of 2 lot of 2 list of 2 limits with 2 level of 2 let me 2 laptop to 2 laissez faire 2 know about 2 kids to 2 kids from 2 kids and 2 Just because 2 it might 2 it may 2 it doesn 2 isn t 2 is vital 2 is still 2 is on 2 is okay 2 is likely 2 is happening 2 is because 2 involved in 2 introduction of 2 into the 2 interested in 2 in this 2 in their 2 In the 2 in Australia 2 If your 2 I wouldn 2 I would 2 I needed 2 I m 2 I know 2 I have 2 I don 2 human right 2 how you 2 How much 2 homework is 2 Home About 2 here While 2 have the 2 have never 2 has too 2 hang out 2 Great article 2 good thing 2 going to 2 Free Resources 2 form of 2 for you 2 for work 2 for teenagers 2 focused on 2 Find out 2 Feed Understanding 2 exposure to 2 engage in 2 encourage you 2 effectively if 2 each day 2 E Mail 2 digital world 2 digital limits 2 digital communication 2 digital abstinence 2 develop the 2 day in 2 creative and 2 could be 2 contributing to 2 Comments Feed 2 Chris Hudson 2 changed the 2 can t 2 boundaries and 2 becomes more 2 because of 2 be to 2 be online 2 be for 2 based on 2 avatar1 jpg 2 at home 2 as you 2 as the 2 as an 2 article I 2 are using 2 are some 2 are only 2 are growing 2 are actively 2 apply to 2 any of 2 and your 2 and texting 2 and screen 2 and most 2 and many 2 and have 2 and a 2 an online 2 an adult 2 amounts of 2 am not 2 also need 2 all the 2 adults help 2 adults are 2 Address ____________________ 2 Access to 2 access is 2 access and 2 about what 2 about their 2 about teenagers 2 about technology 2 About Free 2 a week 2 a good 2 a fundamental 2 a day 2 a basic 2 a balanced 2 ____________________ Subscribe 1 youth worker 1 Youth Expert 1 yourself without 1 yourself be 1 yours to 1 your words 1 your teenagers 1 Your teen 1 your smartphone 1 your situation 1 your parenting 1 your own 1 your opinion 1 Your media 1 your laptop 1 your kid 1 your inbox 1 your house 1 your homework 1 your focus 1 your favourite 1 your family 1 your email 1 your details 1 your combined 1 your approach 1 your age 1 your adolescence 1 Your actions 1 your 17y 1 your 13y 1 Young The 1 young brains 1 you would 1 you wait 1 you very 1 you understand 1 you turn 1 you then 1 you talked 1 you take 1 you spend 1 you shouldn 1 you should 1 you say 1 You Preach 1 you phone 1 you never 1 you make 1 you leave 1 you know 1 you implement 1 you got 1 you find 1 you exposed 1 you do 1 you d 1 you check 1 you can 1 you being 1 you as 1 you and 1 you an 1 You also 1 you actively 1 yet she 1 yet heard 1 Yes young 1 years old 1 Years ago 1 year Vivienne 1 year old 1 year I 1 writing the 1 writing I 1 writing at 1 writer I 1 write this 1 write if 1 would their 1 would still 1 would often 1 would not 1 would LOVE 1 would hazard 1 would have 1 worth noting 1 world where 1 world When 1 world when 1 world to 1 world they 1 world Rarely 1 world of 1 world Just 1 world For 1 world for 1 world can 1 world becomes 1 world because 1 world as 1 world are 1 works is 1 worker and 1 work own 1 work out 1 work more 1 work is 1 work All 1 words If 1 Word file 1 wonder where 1 without understanding 1 without reaching 1 without daily 1 with those 1 with soundtrack 1 with other 1 with or 1 with only 1 with online 1 with If 1 with friends 1 with Facebook 1 with books 1 with all 1 wisdom I 1 window which 1 willingness to 1 will survive 1 will speak 1 will just 1 will involve 1 will continue 1 wide world 1 why what 1 why teens 1 why it 1 why are 1 whom this 1 whole day 1 who weren 1 who promote 1 who need 1 who is 1 who have 1 Who couldn 1 whinging or 1 while watching 1 While these 1 While there 1 while often 1 While it 1 While I 1 while for 1 which we 1 which leaves 1 which involves 1 whereby teens 1 where to 1 where the 1 where screens 1 where screen 1 where I 1 where and 1 When your 1 when your 1 when using 1 When teens 1 when setting 1 When it 1 when I 1 When done 1 when at 1 What You 1 what you 1 what wisdom 1 what They 1 what one 1 what makes 1 what limits 1 what level 1 what it 1 What is 1 what controls 1 What are 1 What age 1 weren t 1 were once 1 were never 1 were between 1 were a 1 well rounded 1 well as 1 weekly Taking 1 Weekends You 1 weekends could 1 weekend includes 1 week goes 1 week For 1 we want 1 we think 1 we tend 1 we ourselves 1 we need 1 We don 1 we do 1 we can 1 we are 1 way your 1 way you 1 way that 1 way of 1 way in 1 way humans 1 way as 1 watching your 1 watching is 1 watching Helping 1 watching choosing 1 wasn t 1 was surprised 1 was shocked 1 was only 1 was not 1 was most 1 was hours 1 was actually 1 Wanting to 1 want them 1 want teens 1 Want More 1 wait in 1 vulnerable to 1 Vivienne Storey 1 vital that 1 vital part 1 vital for 1 violating a 1 video chatting 1 via the 1 via listening 1 very minimal 1 very helpful 1 veracity of 1 various associations 1 various activities 1 values communication 1 value reading 1 value rather 1 valuable but 1 valid Yes 1 UT Square 1 using them 1 using the 1 using devices 1 using and 1 uses technology 1 useful or 1 useful and 1 use the 1 use Technology 1 use technology 1 use some 1 use per 1 use Passive 1 use of 1 use each 1 use at 1 use and 1 use an 1 use a 1 usage or 1 usage before 1 usage As 1 us the 1 us did 1 us all 1 upfront and 1 updates on 1 upbringing then 1 up unprepared 1 up my 1 up helpful 1 up front 1 until your 1 until they 1 unprepared for 1 unlimited amounts 1 unlimited access 1 unless a 1 uni you 1 unfitted access 1 unfair to 1 understanding will 1 understanding they 1 understand what 1 understand it 1 understand and 1 unchecked and 1 ubiquitous source 1 typical screen 1 typical house 1 type of 1 two ends 1 Twitter Email 1 twice a 1 tween daughter 1 TV watching 1 TV series 1 TV reading 1 TV is 1 TV in 1 TV have 1 TV Do 1 TV all 1 turn a 1 trying to 1 try share 1 truth is 1 true Last 1 true I 1 true for 1 true can 1 tried to 1 towards digital 1 touch seem 1 Touch Facebook 1 totally right 1 top of 1 tools your 1 too you 1 too little 1 too early 1 today When 1 today s 1 today if 1 today are 1 Today About 1 to write 1 to work 1 to whom 1 to teens 1 to survive 1 to suit 1 to such 1 to some 1 to social 1 to see 1 to screens 1 to screen 1 to say 1 to remember 1 to put 1 to print 1 to practice 1 to play 1 to pass 1 to open 1 to one 1 to occur 1 to not 1 to next 1 to navigate 1 to music 1 to monitor 1 to managing 1 to make 1 to live 1 to limit 1 To learn 1 to launch 1 to know 1 to independently 1 to If 1 to home 1 to help 1 to happen 1 to hangout 1 to grow 1 to go 1 to give 1 to getting 1 to format 1 to follow 1 to find 1 to fear 1 to FaceTime 1 to face 1 to everything 1 to equip 1 to engaging 1 to engage 1 to educate 1 to digital 1 to develop 1 to define 1 to daydream 1 to create 1 to connect 1 to concerned 1 to complete 1 to college 1 to believe 1 to being 1 to behave 1 to bed 1 to also 1 to all 1 to adjust 1 to accept 1 to 8 1 time when 1 time until 1 time to 1 time They 1 time they 1 time There 1 time Then 1 time The 1 time socialisation 1 time should 1 time Screen 1 Time Rules 1 time outside 1 time Often 1 time needs 1 time kids 1 Time It 1 time it 1 Time Is 1 time is 1 time into 1 time How 1 time for 1 time fits 1 time each 1 time different 1 time consider 1 Time Comments 1 Time By 1 time as 1 time allowances 1 time All 1 time adults 1 thumb that 1 thrust into 1 through This 1 thrive in 1 though my 1 those who 1 those of 1 this world 1 This post 1 This only 1 this I 1 this effectively 1 This doesn 1 This could 1 this concept 1 this But 1 This balance 1 This as 1 this article 1 This 100 1 think through 1 think the 1 think and 1 think adults 1 think about 1 things not 1 things in 1 things go 1 things back 1 things are 1 thing when 1 thing to 1 thing that 1 thing she 1 thing rather 1 thing determined 1 thing at 1 thing and 1 thing All 1 they would 1 they were 1 they using 1 they show 1 they should 1 they see 1 they say 1 they often 1 they love 1 they like 1 they know 1 they head 1 they had 1 they forgo 1 they do 1 They are 1 They also 1 These limits 1 these guidelines 1 these game 1 these findings 1 These boundaries 1 there usage 1 there to 1 There is 1 there in 1 then your 1 Then you 1 Then on 1 then it 1 then I 1 then how 1 then gets 1 then don 1 then determine 1 then consideration 1 then brains 1 themselves with 1 themselves consider 1 Theme Admin 1 them This 1 them The 1 them So 1 them of 1 them Learn 1 them interpret 1 them drink 1 them develop 1 them about 1 their time 1 their teens 1 their teen 1 their tablet 1 their schooling 1 their online 1 their offspring 1 their mental 1 their kids 1 their friends 1 their everyday 1 their email 1 their amount 1 the writer 1 the window 1 the whole 1 the weekend 1 the veracity 1 The Understanding 1 the ubiquitous 1 the types 1 the type 1 the TV 1 the truth 1 the things 1 the table 1 the stuff 1 the state 1 The sooner 1 the services 1 the school 1 the Same 1 the rules 1 the road 1 the risks 1 the rest 1 the reality 1 the rapidly 1 the radio 1 the pro 1 the printing 1 the phrase 1 the phone 1 the outset 1 the other 1 the opposite 1 the only 1 The most 1 the mix 1 the meal 1 the mall 1 the majority 1 The longer 1 the long 1 the limits 1 the kids 1 the Internet 1 the house 1 the hours 1 the homework 1 the headlines 1 the harder 1 the habit 1 the group 1 The goal 1 the goal 1 The gaming 1 the gaming 1 the games 1 the future 1 the form 1 the family 1 the example 1 the evils 1 The Essentials 1 the end 1 the easier 1 the early 1 the dominant 1 The digital 1 the different 1 the conversation 1 the contrary 1 the consequences 1 the compulsion 1 the comments 1 the cloud 1 the chance 1 the case 1 the bills 1 the biggest 1 the benefits 1 the backseat 1 the background 1 the alphabet 1 the all 1 the active 1 the 3 1 that your 1 that which 1 that time 1 that the 1 that teens 1 that privilege 1 that may 1 That is 1 that is 1 that I 1 that homework 1 that have 1 that has 1 that growing 1 that getting 1 that far 1 that end 1 that early 1 that by 1 that background 1 that apply 1 that access 1 that a 1 thank you 1 than your 1 than we 1 than watching 1 than they 1 than demand 1 than all 1 than a 1 than 8 1 texts are 1 texting that 1 texting apps 1 text messages 1 tend to 1 Telling your 1 teens will 1 teens Who 1 teens when 1 teens These 1 Teens like 1 teens Just 1 teens in 1 teens have 1 teens encounter 1 teens digital 1 teens about 1 teens ____________________ 1 teenagers with 1 teenagers What 1 Teenagers want 1 teenagers use 1 teenagers This 1 teenagers Teenagers 1 teenagers spend 1 teenagers screen 1 Teenagers offers 1 teenagers not 1 teenagers it 1 teenagers in 1 Teenagers I 1 teenagers Get 1 Teenagers Every 1 teenagers earn 1 teenagers E 1 Teenagers blog 1 teenagers are 1 teenagers Any 1 teenagers and 1 Teenagers All 1 teenager Please 1 teenager in 1 teenager can 1 teenage online 1 teenage expert 1 teenage desire 1 teen Your 1 teen will 1 teen uses 1 teen should 1 teen needs 1 teen moves 1 teen may 1 teen into 1 teen from 1 teen fails 1 teen before 1 teen and 1 teen against 1 technology your 1 technology You 1 technology Wanting 1 Technology use 1 technology usage 1 technology to 1 technology then 1 technology or 1 technology more 1 technology in 1 technology during 1 technology Because 1 Technology at 1 technology as 1 technology access 1 technological engagement 1 tech habits 1 teach her 1 teach a 1 talking to 1 talking about 1 talked about 1 talk to 1 Taking a 1 takes and 1 take your 1 take more 1 tactic that 1 Tablets handed 1 table unless 1 table either 1 t yet 1 t use 1 t understand 1 t share 1 t raised 1 t okay 1 t make 1 t like 1 t know 1 t imagine 1 t fully 1 t for 1 t feel 1 t doubt 1 t do 1 t an 1 sustenance when 1 survive college 1 survive Access 1 surprised and 1 surfing through 1 sure you 1 suitable manner 1 suit your 1 suffering from 1 such intermittent 1 such an 1 subscriptions and 1 Subscribe Today 1 Subscribe Now 1 style which 1 stuff parents 1 studies about 1 students were 1 students to 1 Stress Relationships 1 straightforward There 1 straight forward 1 Storey Great 1 stops kids 1 still the 1 still apply 1 still a 1 staying in 1 Stay In 1 stay connected 1 state of 1 starving them 1 starting then 1 Start Young 1 start of 1 start If 1 staring out 1 stages of 1 spent in 1 spends the 1 spending time 1 Spending quality 1 spend reading 1 spend online 1 spend on 1 spend a 1 specific limits 1 specific hour 1 specialising in 1 special friend 1 speaker coach 1 speak louder 1 space It 1 space is 1 source of 1 soundtrack Instead 1 sound so 1 soulful music 1 sooner you 1 some teens 1 some soulful 1 some screen 1 some real 1 Some of 1 some help 1 some basic 1 software I 1 socialisation due 1 social screen 1 social happenings 1 social anxiety 1 so we 1 so too 1 So there 1 So the 1 so powerless 1 So many 1 So it 1 so feel 1 So even 1 Snapchat or 1 smartphones are 1 smartphone to 1 smart phone 1 sleeping whinging 1 sleep Completing 1 situations that 1 situation No 1 sit by 1 sister is 1 since they 1 simple fix 1 signs your 1 significant part 1 Sidebar big 1 show a 1 should set 1 should I 1 should be 1 shocked to 1 She spends 1 she s 1 she is 1 she had 1 she chose 1 she allowed 1 share your 1 share what 1 shaped by 1 shape your 1 shape the 1 setting up 1 Setting limits 1 setting and 1 set specific 1 set reasonable 1 set digital 1 set amount 1 services Understanding 1 serious issue 1 series Can 1 separate thing 1 Sense Media 1 Self Esteem 1 seems like 1 seem archaic 1 see technology 1 see lasting 1 see it 1 section below 1 Search Home 1 screens will 1 screens While 1 screens that 1 Screens off 1 screens limiting 1 screens every 1 screens are 1 screens and 1 Screen time 1 screen This 1 screen the 1 screen or 1 screen off 1 Screen Limit 1 screen daily 1 screen Being 1 screen as 1 screaming and 1 schoolwork Having 1 schools now 1 schooling Many 1 school you 1 school work 1 school to 1 school they 1 scary world 1 say one 1 say no 1 say it 1 say good 1 say at 1 saturated world 1 sample list 1 Same Lets 1 s teens 1 s technology 1 s own 1 s maturity 1 s kindle 1 s going 1 s and 1 run as 1 rules that 1 Rules for 1 rules and 1 rules above 1 rule of 1 RT Book 1 rounded upbringing 1 rolling along 1 road in 1 risks and 1 Rights Reserved 1 right to 1 right thing 1 right Parents 1 right One 1 right It 1 right Access 1 revolution is 1 restrictive Much 1 restrictions on 1 restrictions and 1 rest of 1 responsible for 1 responsible digital 1 responsible confident 1 responsible citizen 1 responsibility this 1 responsibility The 1 responsibility for 1 resources 1 1 resource is 1 Resolution Communication 1 Reserved Powered 1 requirement for 1 remember when 1 releasing your 1 released in 1 Relationships behaviour 1 relationships Adequately 1 Related Want 1 reigning things 1 Recreational Screen 1 recreational or 1 recreational and 1 reconsider your 1 recipe for 1 reasons for 1 reasonable limits 1 reason parents 1 reality is 1 real time 1 real cognitive 1 ready to 1 reading watching 1 reading each 1 reader to 1 read this 1 read or 1 reaching for 1 rather what 1 rather they 1 rather it 1 rarely straightforward 1 Rarely a 1 rapidly evolving 1 raising teenagers 1 raised in 1 radio the 1 quotas for 1 quite the 1 question about 1 quality time 1 quality articles 1 quaint novelty 1 putting on 1 put in 1 pursuits This 1 PTWP Sidebar 1 provides a 1 promote digital 1 progressively equipping 1 proactive approach 1 pro s 1 Privileges are 1 privilege Your 1 privilege You 1 privilege until 1 Privilege This 1 privilege they 1 privilege that 1 privilege I 1 prior to 1 printing press 1 print it 1 principles of 1 primarily responsible 1 pretty straight 1 press the 1 preaches One 1 Preach There 1 practicing writing 1 Practice What 1 practice what 1 practice I 1 powerless when 1 Powered by 1 post provides 1 possible by 1 point of 1 png free 1 Please let 1 playing with 1 playing games 1 played though 1 play To 1 platforms communication 1 platform group 1 place limits 1 physiological benefits 1 physical exercise 1 phrase screen 1 Phones Tablets 1 phones social 1 phone yet 1 phone to 1 phone If 1 phone have 1 phone bills 1 personalities and 1 period of 1 per kid 1 pen drive 1 peers is 1 peers Digital 1 paying your 1 paying the 1 pay for 1 Passive Consumption 1 passive consumption 1 pass the 1 participation in 1 participating in 1 participate and 1 Parents who 1 parents who 1 parents today 1 parents to 1 parents think 1 Parents shouldn 1 parents pay 1 parents I 1 parents fail 1 parents are 1 parents Andressa 1 parenting style 1 Parenting Self 1 parenting is 1 parenting continuum 1 Parenting Coach 1 parenting challenge 1 Parenting Be 1 parenting approach 1 Parenting Advice 1 parented it 1 parental intervention 1 parent who 1 parent what 1 parent teens 1 parent is 1 parent ever 1 parent are 1 paper books 1 package of 1 pace and 1 own technology 1 own tablet 1 own media 1 own habits 1 own fear 1 own a 1 overly simple 1 overlook a 1 over what 1 over her 1 outside of 1 outset I 1 outbursts compulsive 1 out what 1 out the 1 out that 1 out into 1 out at 1 ourselves so 1 ourselves do 1 our time 1 our teens 1 Our kids 1 our holiday 1 otherwise And 1 others while 1 other teenagers 1 other signs 1 other reasons 1 other online 1 other extreme 1 other day 1 or via 1 or uni 1 or understand 1 or twice 1 or to 1 or staring 1 or sit 1 or restrictions 1 or necessary 1 or music 1 or more 1 or mind 1 or may 1 or let 1 or laptop 1 or isn 1 or Instagram 1 or importance 1 or higher 1 or heads 1 or getting 1 or forwarding 1 or expect 1 or excluded 1 or engage 1 or e 1 or don 1 or behaviour 1 or agreements 1 or agreement 1 or against 1 or activities 1 opposite of 1 opportunities of 1 opinion on 1 open their 1 only works 1 only very 1 only time 1 only starting 1 only possible 1 only effective 1 only do 1 online with 1 online where 1 online The 1 online space 1 online platform 1 online Not 1 online No 1 online gaming 1 online for 1 online behaviour 1 online because 1 online as 1 online activities 1 online access 1 one special 1 one preaches 1 one paying 1 one many 1 one end 1 One effective 1 one activity 1 once or 1 once For 1 once encouraged 1 on you 1 on when 1 on Weekends 1 on top 1 on their 1 on real 1 on one 1 on links 1 on line 1 on like 1 on is 1 on impossible 1 on her 1 on extending 1 on earlier 1 on call 1 on average 1 on assumptions 1 on access 1 older teens 1 old For 1 old and 1 Okay I 1 okay but 1 Often this 1 often think 1 often overlook 1 often not 1 often it 1 often complain 1 often accessed 1 offspring As 1 offers Parenting 1 off by 1 off But 1 of with 1 of what 1 of Understanding 1 of typical 1 of thumb 1 of teenagers 1 of technological 1 of studies 1 of staying 1 of sleeping 1 of sleep 1 of setting 1 of screaming 1 of school 1 of rules 1 of restrictions 1 of phones 1 of passive 1 of our 1 of nominating 1 of necessary 1 of media 1 of maturity 1 of literature 1 of kids 1 of information 1 of hours 1 of her 1 of focusing 1 of fear 1 of exposure 1 of each 1 of Digital 1 of development 1 of daily 1 of control 1 of contributing 1 of content 1 of consumption 1 of belonging 1 of being 1 of alcohol 1 of adults 1 of adjustment 1 of activities 1 occurring but 1 occur There 1 obliged to 1 obligation and 1 o than 1 o But 1 number is 1 Now We 1 now on 1 now expect 1 novelty and 1 notions of 1 noting and 1 not the 1 not suffering 1 not see 1 not occurring 1 not know 1 not how 1 not expecting 1 not consider 1 not browsing 1 Not being 1 not because 1 not asked 1 not always 1 not already 1 Not allowing 1 Not All 1 not all 1 normal teenage 1 nominating a 1 No TV 1 No Technology 1 no screen 1 no idea 1 night weekends 1 next year 1 next clicking 1 new access 1 never tried 1 never set 1 never parented 1 never had 1 Netflix and 1 negotiation if 1 needed to 1 needed them 1 need some 1 need it 1 necessity or 1 necessary homeowrk 1 necessary forms 1 nearly as 1 near on 1 natural to 1 natives we 1 natives do 1 name is 1 my tween 1 My students 1 My sister 1 My name 1 my mom 1 my love 1 my kids 1 my invitation 1 my computer 1 music Years 1 music TV 1 music is 1 music in 1 much too 1 Much Time 1 Much the 1 much of 1 much larger 1 much is 1 much as 1 movies But 1 movie she 1 movie industry 1 moves out 1 motor car 1 Most teenagers 1 most parents 1 most of 1 most likely 1 most importantly 1 most dominant 1 most common 1 most cases 1 most basic 1 morning to 1 more inclined 1 more importantly 1 more here 1 more helpful 1 more explaining 1 more effectively 1 more connected 1 more complicated 1 more click 1 more books 1 More Articles 1 more about 1 monitor there 1 mom would 1 moderation there 1 mobile technology 1 mobile phone 1 mixed in 1 mix Screen 1 missing out 1 miss out 1 minimal parental 1 mind altering 1 might work 1 might not 1 messages and 1 Menu Home 1 mental health 1 memories and 1 mediated via 1 media use 1 media they 1 media Teens 1 media quite 1 media platforms 1 media habits 1 media form 1 media consumption 1 Media categorises 1 meaningful package 1 mean I 1 meals then 1 meal table 1 may or 1 may not 1 may carry 1 maturity is 1 maturity interests 1 Many schools 1 manner In 1 manger of 1 managing their 1 manage If 1 manage homework 1 mall once 1 makes such 1 makes for 1 make sure 1 make it 1 make digital 1 make an 1 make a 1 majority is 1 magazines are 1 m finding 1 m a 1 luxury rather 1 loved how 1 LOVE to 1 louder than 1 lots of 1 lot how 1 longer you 1 long run 1 long as 1 ll say 1 lives and 1 lived values 1 live up 1 little too 1 literature will 1 listing to 1 listening to 1 listening I 1 links bookmarking 1 line So 1 line or 1 limits you 1 limits since 1 limits or 1 limits need 1 limits make 1 limits is 1 limits for 1 limits Content 1 limits anywhere 1 limits all 1 limiting the 1 limiting screen 1 limit your 1 Limit on 1 limit on 1 limit is 1 Likewise more 1 likely your 1 likely to 1 likely a 1 liked a 1 like you 1 Like This 1 like they 1 like spending 1 like other 1 like it 1 like an 1 lifestyle and 1 life There 1 life teenagers 1 life Not 1 life giving 1 life Getting 1 life Below 1 life A 1 levels Before 1 letting teens 1 Lets be 1 let yourself 1 let your 1 let us 1 let things 1 let them 1 less access 1 leisure time 1 leaves teens 1 leave it 1 least need 1 learn more 1 learn how 1 Learn about 1 launch your 1 later Recreational 1 late to 1 late This 1 lasting change 1 Last year 1 larger than 1 landscape However 1 know what 1 know that 1 know or 1 know in 1 know how 1 know everything 1 kindle use 1 kids who 1 kids using 1 kids use 1 kids should 1 kids Parents 1 kids need 1 kids mobile 1 kids all 1 kid There 1 kid out 1 key aspect 1 keeping up 1 keep your 1 just be 1 just as 1 jpg The 1 jpg RT 1 jpg My 1 jpeg Stay 1 journey home 1 It would 1 it wasn 1 It was 1 it to 1 it the 1 it takes 1 it stops 1 it She 1 it or 1 it okay 1 it needs 1 it most 1 it means 1 it isn 1 it has 1 it educate 1 it don 1 it challenging 1 It can 1 it as 1 It also 1 it again 1 it a 1 issues then 1 issue for 1 is your 1 is why 1 is where 1 is using 1 is useful 1 is unfair 1 is they 1 is that 1 is she 1 is rolling 1 is required 1 is pretty 1 is or 1 is online 1 Is Okay 1 is often 1 is new 1 is nearly 1 is near 1 is natural 1 is much 1 is more 1 is keeping 1 is included 1 is in 1 is if 1 is how 1 is focused 1 is even 1 is essentially 1 is edited 1 is done 1 is doing 1 is definitely 1 is consider 1 is conceivable 1 is completely 1 is Chris 1 is being 1 is as 1 is always 1 is also 1 is all 1 is 17 1 irritability increased 1 iPad from 1 involves reading 1 involved extends 1 involved at 1 Involved As 1 involved and 1 involve playing 1 involve a 1 invitation to 1 into as 1 into adulthood 1 into a 1 into 4 1 intervention At 1 interrupted by 1 interpret and 1 internet which 1 Internet This 1 internet Some 1 internet is 1 internet connection 1 internet access 1 intermittent notions 1 interests and 1 Interactive Consumption 1 instilling in 1 Instead of 1 Instagram How 1 information teens 1 information It 1 influence on 1 industry When 1 industry is 1 individual thing 1 individual boundaries 1 indication of 1 independently navigate 1 increased irritability 1 increased angry 1 inconvenience today 1 includes watching 1 includes the 1 includes surfing 1 includes leisure 1 included or 1 include the 1 include how 1 inclined towards 1 inbox My 1 inbox Enter 1 in your 1 in with 1 in What 1 in what 1 In Touch 1 in touch 1 in recreational 1 in place 1 in parenting 1 In most 1 in moderation 1 in line 1 in life 1 in is 1 in how 1 in history 1 in helping 1 in having 1 in games 1 in for 1 in face 1 in effect 1 in digitally 1 in digital 1 in Control 1 in classroom 1 in class 1 in Brazil 1 in before 1 in Bedrooms 1 in an 1 impressed when 1 impossible inconvenience 1 impossible But 1 importantly talk 1 importantly stay 1 important you 1 important That 1 important social 1 important consideration 1 important Access 1 importance Common 1 implementing limits 1 implement gradually 1 imagine how 1 ill equipped 1 if your 1 If we 1 if watching 1 If teenagers 1 if technology 1 if not 1 If kids 1 if it 1 If any 1 idea how 1 I write 1 I wonder 1 I will 1 I try 1 I spent 1 I remember 1 I need 1 I mean 1 I ll 1 I liked 1 I hear 1 I haven 1 I had 1 I give 1 I d 1 I can 1 I blog 1 I also 1 hypocrites because 1 humans think 1 huge list 1 Hudson I 1 Hudson Find 1 However you 1 how your 1 how things 1 how she 1 How Much 1 house you 1 hours on 1 hours of 1 hours a 1 hour limits 1 homework when 1 homework then 1 Homework before 1 homework and 1 homeowrk on 1 home to 1 Home Here 1 home from 1 home and 1 home All 1 holiday my 1 holiday complete 1 history has 1 higher degrees 1 high school 1 here PTWP 1 Here is 1 here in 1 her phone 1 her memories 1 her iPad 1 her how 1 Helping them 1 Helping Adults 1 helpful One 1 helpful framework 1 helpful boundaries 1 helped you 1 help them 1 Help teens 1 help teens 1 help teenagers 1 help raising 1 help parents 1 help equip 1 heard an 1 hear from 1 healthy way 1 healthy amounts 1 healthy amount 1 health If 1 heads away 1 headlines are 1 head out 1 he can 1 hazard a 1 having your 1 Having down 1 haven t 1 Have you 1 have When 1 have when 1 have unfitted 1 have to 1 have proactive 1 have let 1 have less 1 have individual 1 have house 1 have gained 1 have enforceable 1 have discovered 1 have declared 1 have conversations 1 have been 1 have an 1 have all 1 have active 1 has helped 1 has finished 1 has changed 1 has been 1 harmful in 1 hardware and 1 harder it 1 hard to 1 happenings For 1 happening on 1 happening in 1 happen you 1 hangout was 1 handed over 1 handed in 1 had the 1 had no 1 had it 1 had created 1 habits Your 1 habits will 1 habits This 1 habit of 1 guidelines are 1 guest posts 1 guess the 1 grow up 1 group This 1 group I 1 great deal 1 gradually rather 1 grade class 1 got a 1 good morning 1 going online 1 going into 1 going forward 1 goes by 1 goal of 1 goal is 1 go unchecked 1 go online 1 giving sustenance 1 given to 1 given day 1 give you 1 give my 1 getting to 1 getting online 1 Getting healthy 1 Getting enough 1 getting cash 1 gets mixed 1 get them 1 get Snapchat 1 Get quality 1 get involved 1 Genesis Theme 1 generations before 1 generation going 1 generally based 1 gaming it 1 gaming industry 1 gaming here 1 gaming definitely 1 gaming aspect 1 games This 1 games or 1 games apps 1 games and 1 game will 1 gained about 1 future if 1 fundamental right 1 fundamental human 1 fully understand 1 front about 1 from the 1 from sound 1 from Getting 1 from exposure 1 from any 1 from all 1 from a 1 friends or 1 friends do 1 friend or 1 free to 1 free resources 1 framework to 1 framework is 1 forwarding information 1 forward set 1 forward Adults 1 forms of 1 former youth 1 formats It 1 format a 1 form in 1 forgo that 1 for violating 1 For today 1 for those 1 For this 1 for them 1 for their 1 for teens 1 for some 1 for school 1 for parents 1 for online 1 For one 1 For older 1 For many 1 for lives 1 for limiting 1 for it 1 for instilling 1 for Home 1 for generations 1 for generation 1 for education 1 for each 1 for disaster 1 for creative 1 for an 1 for all 1 follow through 1 focusing on 1 focus is 1 fix for 1 fits into 1 finished high 1 findings I 1 finding it 1 find useful 1 find reigning 1 find out 1 file And 1 feel obliged 1 feel like 1 feel free 1 Feed alternate 1 feature of 1 fear While 1 fear that 1 fear It 1 favourite TV 1 far behind 1 fan of 1 family Screen 1 family life 1 family internet 1 family Do 1 families are 1 faire parenting 1 faire end 1 fails to 1 failing to 1 fail to 1 FaceTime These 1 Facebook while 1 Facebook Twitter 1 Facebook As 1 face to 1 face relationships 1 extreme are 1 extends to 1 extending and 1 express themselves 1 exposed to 1 exposed the 1 explaining to 1 Expert Parenting 1 expert Chris 1 expecting you 1 expectation associated 1 expect students 1 expect Privileges 1 exercise Spending 1 excluded Likewise 1 excessive when 1 exasperated parent 1 example you 1 example of 1 example here 1 evolving digital 1 evils of 1 everywhere it 1 everything online 1 everything about 1 everyday education 1 every day 1 Every article 1 ever Square 1 ever But 1 even if 1 even easier 1 Esteem Stress 1 Essentials of 1 essentially about 1 equipping and 1 equipped or 1 equipment So 1 equip them 1 equal in 1 environment could 1 Enter E 1 enough physical 1 enjoying access 1 engaging in 1 engages in 1 engagement If 1 engaged with 1 engaged and 1 engage with 1 enforceable consequences 1 ends of 1 end you 1 end of 1 end is 1 end In 1 end I 1 encouraged to 1 encounter on 1 email or 1 email inbox 1 email account 1 Email About 1 else needs 1 else is 1 either If 1 effort to 1 effective when 1 effective way 1 effect or 1 education they 1 education Most 1 educate ourselves 1 educate our 1 Editor of 1 edited by 1 economy as 1 easier when 1 easier it 1 earn the 1 early practice 1 early but 1 early age 1 early 21st 1 earlier posts 1 each understand 1 each child 1 each category 1 each beneficially 1 e reader 1 during meals 1 due to 1 drive And 1 drink unlimited 1 downsides to 1 downloading or 1 down time 1 doubt the 1 done when 1 done prior 1 done in 1 dominant media 1 dominant form 1 doing with 1 do with 1 do what 1 do This 1 do this 1 do otherwise 1 do often 1 do is 1 do in 1 do if 1 do But 1 do about 1 distinction between 1 disruptive technology 1 discussions When 1 discovered my 1 disaster and 1 direct to 1 digitally saturated 1 digital technology 1 digital revolution 1 Digital Parenting 1 digital parenting 1 Digital natives 1 digital natives 1 digital life 1 digital landscape 1 digital formats 1 digital economy 1 digital device 1 digital citizen 1 digital boundaries 1 digital art 1 different world 1 different stages 1 different so 1 different for 1 different categories 1 did we 1 devices to 1 device Interactive 1 development Coming 1 determined by 1 determine where 1 determine what 1 details ever 1 detailing specific 1 desire It 1 demonstrates more 1 demonstrates increased 1 demonstrated capacity 1 demand or 1 delivered direct 1 degrees of 1 definitely more 1 definitely enjoying 1 define if 1 declared what 1 deal of 1 deadening or 1 daydream and 1 day teenagers 1 day remember 1 day per 1 day on 1 day limit 1 day is 1 day If 1 day I 1 day example 1 day creating 1 day Communication 1 day binge 1 day and 1 daughter handed 1 daily weekly 1 daily screen 1 daily arguments 1 d be 1 d accept 1 curfews without 1 Creation using 1 creating movies 1 created about 1 create and 1 couldn t 1 could involve 1 Copyright 2015 1 conversations up 1 conversation will 1 controls are 1 control over 1 Control In 1 contributor then 1 contrary But 1 continuum At 1 continue to 1 Content Creation 1 content and 1 Contact Managing 1 Contact Copyright 1 consumption whereby 1 Consumption This 1 Consumption playing 1 consumption of 1 consumption for 1 consuming is 1 consultant specialising 1 constructive pursuits 1 consistently applied 1 considering technology 1 considering limits 1 Considering a 1 consideration to 1 consideration needs 1 consider the 1 consider screen 1 consider not 1 consider it 1 Consider each 1 consequences for 1 consequences consistently 1 consequences are 1 cons of 1 connection cable 1 connected with 1 connected and 1 connect with 1 connect or 1 confronting to 1 Conflict Resolution 1 confident manger 1 concerned about 1 concept is 1 conceivable that 1 computer while 1 computer When 1 computer The 1 computer games 1 computer for 1 compulsive behaviours 1 compulsion to 1 complicated A 1 Completing schoolwork 1 completely clueless 1 complete with 1 complete homework 1 Complete Chores 1 complain about 1 Communication video 1 communication tools 1 communication So 1 Communication Parenting 1 communication makes 1 communication and 1 Common Sense 1 common reason 1 comments section 1 Coming up 1 comforting to 1 combined personalities 1 college or 1 college next 1 cognitive and 1 Coach Editor 1 coach consultant 1 clueless about 1 cloud becomes 1 clicking on 1 click on 1 clear what 1 classroom activities 1 class My 1 class discussions 1 citizen Our 1 citizen As 1 circumstances There 1 Chris Youth 1 Chris Managing 1 Chris and 1 chose to 1 Chores Homework 1 choosing where 1 child What 1 child then 1 check your 1 chatting and 1 change without 1 chance to 1 challenging to 1 challenge of 1 certain time 1 century How 1 celebration of 1 category before 1 categorises typical 1 categories Consider 1 Categories Conflict 1 cash was 1 cases parents 1 case of 1 carry on 1 car when 1 car journey 1 capacity to 1 Can you 1 can spend 1 can only 1 can help 1 can he 1 can get 1 can feel 1 can do 1 can and 1 call for 1 cable subscriptions 1 by yourself 1 by you 1 by when 1 by various 1 by themselves 1 By the 1 by the 1 by text 1 by going 1 by Genesis 1 by former 1 By Chris 1 by banning 1 by an 1 by a 1 but the 1 But that 1 but rather 1 but not 1 But it 1 but it 1 But in 1 But if 1 but if 1 but here 1 But boundaries 1 But as 1 browsing the 1 browsing Facebook 1 bringing yours 1 Brazil it 1 brains are 1 brains adapted 1 brain deadening 1 boundary or 1 boundaries with 1 boundaries or 1 boundaries as 1 boundaries are 1 books will 1 books Do 1 books and 1 bookmarking downloading 1 Book Ad 1 Blog Managing 1 blog is 1 Blog Helping 1 blog Find 1 Blog Feed 1 Blog Comments 1 binge watching 1 bills If 1 bills for 1 biggest parenting 1 big wide 1 big scary 1 big png 1 big influence 1 big as 1 between recreational 1 between 14 1 better question 1 benefits to 1 benefits and 1 beneficially and 1 below Related 1 Below is 1 belonging to 1 believe they 1 being the 1 being shaped 1 being played 1 Being involved 1 being involved 1 being a 1 behind Considering 1 behaviours or 1 behaviour on 1 behaviour Menu 1 behaviour lived 1 behaviour by 1 behave It 1 behave in 1 Before you 1 before you 1 before they 1 before it 1 before implementing 1 before going 1 before bed 1 before and 1 been setting 1 been for 1 Bedrooms Phones 1 bed Do 1 bed Complete 1 becomes the 1 becomes excessive 1 because you 1 Because they 1 because internet 1 be your 1 be via 1 be valid 1 be upfront 1 be thrust 1 be there 1 be that 1 be So 1 be ready 1 be progressively 1 be on 1 be okay 1 be of 1 be miss 1 be later 1 be just 1 Be Involved 1 be involved 1 be interrupted 1 be interested 1 be hard 1 be given 1 be done 1 be different 1 be detailing 1 be creative 1 be confronting 1 be comforting 1 be clear 1 be bringing 1 be Ask 1 be an 1 be acknowledged 1 be able 1 basic principles 1 basic or 1 basic human 1 basic hours 1 basic hardware 1 banning their 1 bank seems 1 balancing act 1 balanced lifestyle 1 balanced life 1 Balanced Approach 1 balance is 1 bad thing 1 backseat with 1 background which 1 background music 1 back in 1 away to 1 aware of 1 average up 1 average requirement 1 average number 1 average adult 1 avenue for 1 available determine 1 Australia but 1 Australia at 1 At the 1 at pace 1 At one 1 at once 1 at night 1 at least 1 at different 1 at any 1 at an 1 at all 1 at a 1 assumptions that 1 associations around 1 associated with 1 aspects of 1 aspect of 1 aspect can 1 asked by 1 Ask the 1 as with 1 as well 1 As the 1 as teenagers 1 as part 1 as much 1 as long 1 as letting 1 as it 1 As I 1 as harmful 1 as big 1 Articles Like 1 articles delivered 1 article thank 1 article resource 1 art or 1 around that 1 arguments Practice 1 argument for 1 are your 1 are worth 1 are vulnerable 1 are various 1 are two 1 are trying 1 are true 1 are totally 1 are to 1 are they 1 are there 1 are Then 1 are talking 1 are starving 1 are setting 1 are required 1 are released 1 are reading 1 are rarely 1 are putting 1 are primarily 1 are paying 1 are parents 1 are other 1 are on 1 are now 1 are not 1 are missing 1 are mediated 1 are lots 1 are let 1 are interested 1 are ill 1 are hypocrites 1 are going 1 are generally 1 are failing 1 are exposed 1 are everywhere 1 are equal 1 are engaged 1 are downsides 1 are don 1 are digital 1 are consuming 1 are available 1 are at 1 are about 1 are a 1 archaic and 1 apps they 1 apps social 1 approach to 1 Approach The 1 approach Not 1 approach Have 1 applied Start 1 anywhere in 1 Any limit 1 any age 1 anxiety then 1 angry outbursts 1 Andressa Andrade 1 Andrade Great 1 And you 1 and you 1 and when 1 and watching 1 and valuable 1 and using 1 and updates 1 and understanding 1 and understand 1 and thrive 1 and think 1 And then 1 and texts 1 and teenage 1 and tech 1 and talking 1 and take 1 and software 1 and smartphones 1 and situations 1 and say 1 and restrictive 1 and responsibility 1 and releasing 1 and quotas 1 and physiological 1 and participating 1 and opportunities 1 and not 1 and mobile 1 and media 1 and make 1 and magazines 1 and listening 1 and limits 1 and learn 1 and keep 1 and impressed 1 and I 1 And how 1 and help 1 and find 1 and family 1 and families 1 and express 1 and equipment 1 and engages 1 and do 1 and digital 1 and different 1 and demonstrated 1 and curfews 1 and constructive 1 and consequences 1 and cons 1 and computer 1 and circumstances 1 and can 1 and browsing 1 and behave 1 and aware 1 and allow 1 and agreements 1 and adjusting 1 and accusations 1 and accept 1 and academic 1 and 17 1 an period 1 an overly 1 an obligation 1 an individual 1 an indication 1 an impossible 1 an important 1 an healthy 1 an expectation 1 an exasperated 1 an example 1 an environment 1 an end 1 an email 1 an effort 1 an early 1 an avenue 1 an argument 1 am today 1 am listing 1 always brain 1 always an 1 alternate Understanding 1 alternate alternate 1 altering It 1 also reconsider 1 also loved 1 also includes 1 also a 1 already then 1 alphabet the 1 along at 1 allowing teens 1 allowed to 1 allowances for 1 allow your 1 allow unlimited 1 allow time 1 allow their 1 all their 1 all that 1 All Screens 1 All Screen 1 All Rights 1 all online 1 all of 1 all levels 1 all know 1 All kids 1 all important 1 All disruptive 1 all changed 1 all but 1 all at 1 all aspects 1 all are 1 All About 1 alcohol at 1 agreements would 1 agreements based 1 agreement One 1 ago I 1 age so 1 age paper 1 age can 1 age and 1 against the 1 against others 1 again for 1 Advice Categories 1 adults spend 1 Adults often 1 Adults Help 1 adults connect 1 adulthood By 1 adult would 1 adult The 1 adult If 1 adolescence as 1 Admin 1 adjustment to 1 adjusting boundaries 1 adjust this 1 Adequately contributing 1 adapted to 1 Ad jpeg 1 actually practicing 1 activity I 1 activities they 1 activities that 1 activities If 1 activities But 1 activities and 1 actively involved 1 actively engaged 1 actively engage 1 active social 1 active participation 1 actions will 1 act not 1 acknowledged that 1 accusations of 1 accounts I 1 accounts before 1 account and 1 accessed via 1 access than 1 Access is 1 access as 1 accept my 1 accept it 1 accept guest 1 academic usage 1 abstinence let 1 abstinence by 1 above would 1 above things 1 above Setting 1 above issues 1 above are 1 about would 1 about when 1 About UT 1 About Teenagers 1 about teenage 1 about screen 1 about our 1 about life 1 about how 1 about different 1 About Chris 1 about Chris 1 about behaviour 1 about basic 1 about all 1 able to 1 a world 1 a Word 1 a willingness 1 a well 1 a way 1 a vital 1 a time 1 a their 1 a teen 1 a tactic 1 a suitable 1 a speaker 1 a smart 1 a significant 1 a set 1 a serious 1 a separate 1 a sample 1 a rule 1 a recipe 1 a quaint 1 a Privilege 1 a point 1 a pen 1 a normal 1 a Netflix 1 a negotiation 1 a necessity 1 a motor 1 A more 1 a means 1 a meaningful 1 a luxury 1 a level 1 a key 1 a huge 1 a holiday 1 a healthy 1 a guess 1 a great 1 a given 1 a framework 1 a feature 1 a fan 1 a family 1 a distinction 1 a digital 1 a different 1 a contributor 1 a computer 1 a child 1 a certain 1 a celebration 1 a car 1 a boundary 1 a big 1 A better 1 a bank 1 a balancing 1 a Balanced 1 a bad 1 a 9th 1 a 15 1 9th grade 1 8 Telling 1 8 hours 1 4 different 1 3 hours 1 21st century 1 2015 Understanding 1 17y o 1 17 years 1 17 The 1 15 year 1 14 and 1 13y o 1 100 focused 1 1 jpg 1 ____________________ Search